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Wednesday, February 5, 2025
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Related Posts’s Mark Fournier interviewed on Doug Aldridge internet talk-show

Internet talk show host and broadcaster Doug Aldridgeproud to be Canadian and conservative—sent me a heads-up regarding an excellent interview he did with Mark Fournier, one of the co-founders, with Connie Wilkins (now Connie Fournier), of the conservative Canadian discussion forum site, regarding the insane Canadian Human Rights Commission complaint filed against them and their web site.

It’s a great interview and sheds lots of light on the subject. 

Following that, Doug did an interview with a journalist, Dick Field, who has investigated the ridiculous Canadian Human Rights Commission, and who has some very lucid thoughts on the Commission and the debacle. 

Before listening, you might want to read my previous blog entries to catch up on the topic if you’re not yet up-to-speed on it.

Here are the Doug Aldridge radio show segments.  All of these and other past shows are available at Doug Aldridge’s web site called The Right Side:

imageDoug Aldridge with’s Mark Fournier – segment 1

imageDoug Aldridge with’s Mark Fournier – segment 2

imageDoug Aldridge with’s Mark Fournier – segment 3


imageDoug Aldridge with journalist Dick Field segment 1

imageDoug Aldridge with journalist Dick Field segment 2

imageDoug Aldridge with journalist Dick Field segment 3

Note that the Canadian Human Rights Commission has now dropped the insane complaint filed against —likely out of shear embarrassment due to blogger pressure and the very limited media exposure given the matter by some conservative-tolerant radio hosts and others.  But I think this is an excellent time for conservatives and right-thinking, freedom-loving people to hunker down, deploy the assets, and prepare to fight—very vociferously—the liberal-left’s tool called the Canadian Human Rights Commission.  We need to take away the powers given to it by liberal-leftist politicians and their agents of political-correctness, and end their ability to silence free speech and ability to shut down the forums of discussion and free speech in this country.  The liberal-left has used and abused this weapon in their already large arsenal of weapons (which includes the likes of the liberal-left’s state-run CBC) to once again combat and silence conservatives in this country through illegitimate means, rather than by winning legitimately in the various arenas of ideas, of speech, and of debate.  And I’ll have none of it. 


Joel Johannesen
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