Friday, May 3, 2024

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Americans know media is overtly liberal-biased according to new Gallup poll

NewsBusters reports that in the enlightened and apparently sober United States, a new Gallup poll suggests that by a margin of three-to-one, Americans see the media as overtly liberal and that it has a liberal bias, compared to the opposite viewpoint.

Yet particularly amongst the not-so-enlightened and questionably sober liberal Canada set, I imagine the public would largely see the media as being absolutely perfectly balanced as if by nature or magical fairies.  Of course some see the CTV and Global networks as being “right wing” simply by virtue of the fact that they aren’t owned and run by the state, Soviet-Union-Style, like the state-run CBC division of the ruling Liberal Party, which exemplifies in technicolor the state of affairs in Canada today as much as anything possibly could.  I hear the same thing from Canadian liberals about the Globe and Mail. “Right wing!” they say, proving they’d only just recently smoked crack. 

This hideous perception in Canada is in large part because Canadians are now so ensconced in Godless socialist nanny-state leftist liberalism, which now fully dominates every facet of their lives and every institution, and upon which every citizen and company have now been trained to dutifully rely, that they no longer even know how liberal-left they are anymore.  They just think the liberal-left point of view and media slant is “normal”.  “Balanced”.  It’s really quite astonishing to the sober open minded among us. 

The unbanning (under enormous lobbying and pressure by the likes of me and most of you) by the Canadian state media censors of the fabulous American Fox News channel should help change that a bit in Canada, by simply allowing Canadians to see the bright and shiny conservative side of things in addition to the liberal side, which of course Canadians think is the only side.  That should serve our country well.  I sure hope so because our fantastic country needs to see our side—because it would improve our country.  As we know, liberals think that being allowed to see the conservative side means that Canada will be thrust back to approximately the year 1584.  Or the 1950’s.  There’s no apparent consensus.  It really depends on which liberal you talk to, and how brainwashed they are—you know, the Kool Aid factor. 

Gallup: By 3-to-1 Public Sees Liberal Over Conservative News Media Bias

Nearly three times as many of those polled in a new Gallup survey said they believe the media are “too liberal” than “too conservative.” Gallup’s Tuesday press release for the poll, which is earning publicity for how it found that “trust and confidence in the news media is up” from last year, reported: “When asked about the news media’s political slant, Americans are much more likely to say they are too liberal (46%) than they are to say they are about right (37%) or too conservative (16%).

Joel Johannesen
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