Sunday, May 5, 2024

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After 13 years, Canucks leaving Bosnia. Yet Iraq is a “quagmire”.

After 13 years, the Canadian military is leaving Bosnia-Herzegovina in the former Yugoslavia.  Yet it’s the Iraq war that is described as a “quagmire” by liberal-lefties, somehow.  I suppose they think this post is a quagmire.  Anything they don’t like is a quagmire.  “Profit” is a quagmire.  “Traditional family values” is a quagmire.

After 13 years dozens of brave Canadian patriots killed and many more injured, and hundreds of millions of Canadian dollars and more than 40,000 individual tours of duty, Canada is clearing out its military camps in Bosnia-Herzegovina but is still maintaining its presence there to a handful of soldiers.

Maybe that will free-up some troops to help America win the war on global terrorism in Iraq, for example, after only 18 months of the “quagmire” and a complete turfing and jailing of the former tyrannical regime; and now that they’re nearing their first free elections, or trying to, and now that they’ve had some 18 months without women getting raped and citizens getting murdered and tortured and freed of their limbs by the Hussein government; and now that children are back in school and learning; and now that Islamist terrorists are left scrambling in a deperate attempt to keep Iraq as another stronghold and are losing. 

Or would that just be too un-liberal?  Yes I suppose so.  Oh well, nice thought.

Joel Johannesen
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