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ACORN isn’t that tough a nut to crack. But the media nutcracker is corrupt. Time for new nutcracker


From: B.Y.
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 9:38 PM
Subject: Acorn


Guess what….my local paper, the Montreal Gazette, has not printed a single word about this Acorn scandal…!!!

Same thing with the Van Jones resignation….not a single word..!!!

But they did manage to fill 1/3 of a page today with a story about the congressman who yelled “you lie” .

And only last week they filled one half of the op-ed page with another nasty piece about Sarah Palin and her family.


Hey B.Y.,

I’ve done copious searches in the Canadian media for Van Jones stories (National Post: one story, AFTER he quit/got fired.  Gosh it’s a wonder the NatPo is staring bankruptcy square in the face.  Other media: no stories, ever);  and ACORN stories — none whatsoever — despite what could be one of the biggest government-related corruption stories of the decade, possibly even playing a major role in the housing collapse which led to the economic crisis. 

So.  The science is settled.  The debate is over.  The liberal media is corrupt.  Actually the science was settled quite some time ago, like when they practically “came out” during the last U.S. election and kissed Barack Obama’s post-racial arse and told people how to vote and how to think, and then after the election started calling anyone who didn’t agree with him a “racist”. 

But the global socialists at the U.N. haven’t put an official U.N. smiley face on it yet so of course it’s not a “real” crisis yet.  For example, Hugo Chavez’s media division isn’t on board yet, nor is China’s, North Korea’s, Iran’s, Kenya’s, or the CBC.

The liberal media are not reporting the news that they don’t want you to know, which includes most stories that hurt their sacred church of liberalism, their messiah Barack Obama whom they beatified and installed as the leader of the free world and so are now fully invested in Him,  or which might hurt any other liberal-leftist cleric, idea, or plan.

I can’t state for a fact that they are trying to mislead you or misinform you by their really rather embarrassingly and blatantly obvious omission of easily available news reports on current events that don’t suit their political or social agendas and world views, I can only tell you it’s happening, and increasingly so.  Here’s a picture:

A search for nuts at CBC this morning turns up a fist full as usual, but none of them having to do with Barack Obama’s ACORN division:

Of course it doesn’t matter how utterly useless and crappy and biased and therefore dangerously misinforming the state-owned billion-taxpayer-dollars-per-year the CBC news reporting is, because, um, they’re what liberals call a “Canadian value”… Once again that’s “Canadian Value”.  And liberals are all about the tradition and the values, and are afraid of change.  Wink.

I think Canadians and Americans should launch a massive consumer revolt against the mainstream media.  And the other forms of progressive corruption. 

I’ll be watching the Fox News Channel coverage of the 9/12 Project today.

Have a great weekend!



From: David C
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 11:11 AM
Subject: Van Jones resignation in Canadian media


I’m not sure what ‘copious’ means but I looked—briefly—and found the following Van Jones resignation stories.….….….

Keep up the copious work!



RESIGNATION stories.  I pointed them out too.  Stories written after the fact, leaving readers to wonder what in tarnation happened to lead to his resignation. 

But nice try.


Joel Johannesen
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