Saturday, May 11, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Liberals packing their backpacks for the Liberal Party convention

I wonder if they’ll have special pot-smoking lounges at the Liberal Party convention. 

Some of the delegates to the upcoming Liberal Party convention are ready to put their foot down and demand that the Liberals finally do the important things (for liberals)—the priorities as Liberals see them—the things Liberals have promised for years:  Legalize pot-smoking so our kids can get high on drugs without the fear of jail; and tax the heck out of the drug so the government can get more of our money (and our kids’ money, a new source of big-government revenue for them that they can spend for us because remember:  we’re too stupid to spend our own money). 

Obviously the other priorities for the liberals are: to enact legislation to respect what it calls “alternative forms of social lifestyle”; and to further open our country up to unthinkable destruction or annihilation by not signing onto American’s ballistic missile defence system. 

These are the things we know about.  I imagine there’s lots about more social programs and moves to edge our country ever closer to the Liberals’ beloved Cuba and North Korea and that they’ll be paying their usual respect to their now lost Soviet Union. 

Delegates to the Liberal party convention next month will debate a motion to legalize and tax marijuana sales, bringing in billions in new tax revenue.

Parliament is already debating legislation to decriminalize marijuana, but a resolution by Alberta Liberals would go much further. It would tax the proceeds of legalized pot sales, which the resolution says would bring in $3 billion in revenue each year.

“Legalizing marijuana would be a serious blow to drug dealers and organized crime financially,” says the resolution for the March 5-6 gathering. Delegates are told part of the money could go to drug awareness.

“Resolved that a portion of these tax revenues be used to educate youth against drug use and to provide treatment for those who are adversely affected by use of marijuana.”  [Oh yeah!—ed]


Meanwhile, a party group called the Senior Liberals Commission is asking delegates to urge the government to enact legislation to respect what it calls “alternative forms of social lifestyle,” but to not alter the definition of marriage.

But Liberal youth activists are working on a campaign called “It’s the Charter, Stupid,” with rallies and demonstrations to lobby delegates to support the government’s same-sex marriage legislation before Parliament.  [That should go over well with the Liberal adults who didn’t really think they were “stupid”, actually.]


A resolution will be voted on “urging the government of Canada to uphold traditional Canadian values and to honour its commitments under international law,” by rejecting a Canadian role in the missile system “and all other systems that include space-based weapons.”


Joel Johannesen
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