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(7) NewsQuips for Tuesday July 8 2009

NewsQuips?  They’re quips on the news.  See how I did that?  I’m a wordsmith.  NewsQuips are usually too small for official blog entry status on their own, and yet they are worth mentioning, so I feel sorry for them.  The entry is usually updated through the day with additional headlines and quips.  It depends on how quippy I feel.  You have to keep checking to see if I’ve added to them.  It’s tedious.  Should I start a separate new site just for my patented NewsQuips?

image1.  “Harper out of step with G8 on climate and development, British PM suggests”

He says it suggests it like it’s a bad thing.  But golly, I’d be so concerned that I’m “out of step” with his “man-made global warming” goose-steppers, and I’m so sure I’d take any advice from one of the biggest political losers in the western world. 

Meanwhile, Canada has met its commitment to double assistance to Africa to $2.1-billion by 2008/09 from $1.05-billion in 2003/04, and has increased aid to South American countries, which is more in our neighborhood and trade arena.  Gordon Brown’s sad left-wing Labour Party government lags in most every conceivable way.  So actually, we are out of step in that way, and it’s a really good thing.  And good luck in that next election, in which you are the favored loser by a mile… to the Conservative Party.  Cheerio, Mr. Brown!

2. On the other hand…


“G8 leaders say economy uncertain, stimulus needed”

On the same day that Prime Minister Stephen Harper urged world leaders to hold off on new stimulus funding, G8 leaders issued a draft statement emphasizing the need to take action to breath new life into the economy.

The “G8 leaders” sound like insane clowns, or mindless EverReady bunnies, all goose-stepping in some weird North Korean display, to me.  Oh hang on — they all do except Prime Minister Harper of Canada, who once again is decidedly “out of step”…

…Earlier Wednesday, Harper urged leaders to complete the stimulus initiatives that are already underway, before committing new funds.

“My own thought is before there’s talk of additional stimulus, I would urge all leaders to focus first on making the stimulus that’s announced actually gets delivered,” Harper said.

“That’s been our focus in Canada and I would urge the same priority elsewhere.”

So once again, being “out of step” is a good thing.  I’ve never met a goose step I’ve liked.  It’s why I don’t like the CBC. 

3.  “U.S. missile attacks kill 45 in Pakistan”

I mentioned this U.S. missile thing yesterday.  Obama, in grandiose telepromptered speech #245, says “missiles are not the answer… [yadda]”;  then four hours later, out pops news that U.S. missiles just killed scores of people in Pakistan.

The thing that’s missing from this article is mention of the name “Obama”.  It doesn’t appear even once in the article.  In previous incarnations of stories like this, the words “Bush” and “slaughter” and “war criminal” and “stupid” (and at CBC Newsworld, the words “so-called” before the words “war on terror”) were strewn all over the stories, making it perfectly clear that the evil butcher Bush personally aimed and fired the missiles.  So who caused these missiles to be fired?  Well let’s look at the first paragraph!

U.S. missile attacks kill 45 in Pakistan

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan—Suspected U.S. drones launched two missile attacks on Taliban targets in the South Waziristan tribal region on Wednesday, killing at least 45 militants in the latest in a barrage of strikes close to the Afghan border, intelligence officials said.

Ahhh.  The drones did it.  War criminal drones, I presume.

4.  “Sperm from stem cells put men on notice”

They say it like it’s a good thing. 

LONDON • British scientists have created human sperm using stem cells in a technique that could revolutionize fertility treatment.  …  It could even be possible to create sperm from female stem cells, they said, which could mean a woman having a baby without a man….

Again, they say it like it’s a good thing.  It’s all good, if I understand them correctly.  Nothing could go wrong here.  Oh hang on….

“This is very exciting,” he said. “They have heads, they have tails and they move. The shape is not quite normal nor the movement, but they contain the proteins for egg activation.”

Yay.  Tails. 

A few blind, strident guesses:  (1.) This has utterly nothing —“dick”, you might say —to do with altruistically helping “infertile couples”, as they hideously claim, since the last thing I think embryonic stem cell researchers care about is humans in normal family situations creating more full-grown humans in the normal, healthy, way.  And infertility is hardly at the top of the priority list in disease and disability-curing research today.  What they do care about is farming human embryos and harvesting them like cows, for their ugly research.  (2.) The researchers have a below average representation among its number to membership in any pro-traditional marriage and pro-family organizations.  (3.) They are strongly supported by homosexuals and feminist groups, as well as far-left political organizations.  (4.) The researchers are all pro-abortion.  (5.) They all vote left and far-left. 

One person was quoted as saying anything negative about it.  Josephine Quintavalle, the director of Comment on Reproductive Ethics, said the research was “totally wrong.  This is man at his maddest.  Sometimes we have to stop meddling and accept infertility. Science must be totally ethical and totally safe—this is neither.”  … thus restoring my faith in real humanity.

P.S.  These researchers are the same ones who applied, and succeed, to get authorization from the U.K. government’s “Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority” (we used to think of that “authority” as “God”)  to create human/animal “hybrids”, called “chimeras”. 

image 5.  The good Tony Blankley writes in his terrific column today, “Sarah Agonistes”:

Professional politicians and political journalists don’t waste energy on political corpses. They reserve their energy—positive or negative—for viable politicians.

That is right on target. And speaking of targets, it reminds me of a Mike Huckabee line during the presidential debates:

Mike Huckabee:  “If you are catching flack you must be over the target”.

And I’ve heard this tired old bromidic line repeatedly from the liberal and further-leftist Palin-haters:

“If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!”

The trouble with this ever-so-sharp “analysis” (aside from the dumb use of of the word “heat” when we’re talking about Alaska) is that Palin was never in “the kitchen”.  Her ceding the Governorship to her lieutenant Governor means she now in fact wants into “the kitchen”.  Where she will bake your asses. 

Also see “I Still Hate You, Sarah Palin” —writing par excellence.  (Thanks to Warren Z. for emailing that)

image 6.    I see where Canada’s Minister of Defence and TV-Watching, Peter MacKay, is announcing major government funding of military equipment.  In a golf shirt.  I’m sure the troops (sort of “his” troops) fighting in Afghanistan will appreciate his relaxed pre golf-game-playing stance. 

But mainly it’s good to see he’s found something to do again.  He didn’t have time to announce a thing about Canadians canceling their subscription to Fox News Channel
His grumpy li’l buddy, the genius Conservative “strategist” Geoff (cancel Fox News!) Norquay, wasn’t anywhere to be seen.  Maybe he’s already on the course.

7.  Now the Democrats (laughingly) ADMIT they’re full of crap:  “Democratic Leader Laughs at Idea That House Members Would Actually Read Health-Care Bill Before Voting On It”

Wednesday, July 08, 2009
By Monica Gabriel and Marie Magleby

Washington ( – House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Tuesday that the health-care reform bill now pending in Congress would garner very few votes if lawmakers actually had to read the entire bill before voting on it.

“If every member pledged to not vote for it if they hadn’t read it in its entirety, I think we would have very few votes,” Hoyer told at his regular weekly news conference.

Hoyer was responding to a question from on whether he supported a pledge that asks members of the Congress to read the entire bill before voting on it and also make the full text of the bill available to the public for 72 hours before a vote.

In fact, Hoyer found the idea of the pledge humorous, laughing as he responded to the question. “I’m laughing because a) I don’t know how long this bill is going to be, but it’s going to be a very long bill,” he said. …

(Re why he was laughing:  there was no item “b” from the Senator.  His listing the (one) items alphabetically was nonetheless very useful.)


Joel Johannesen
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