Sunday, May 12, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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With pictures!: The gov’s BC Hydro leaves engine idling while instructing us to be “power smart”

So I’m sitting here working — that’s working, mind you, almost like one o’ them “workers” or “working families” Jack Layton is always on about (except I am of course in what I imagine Jack and his you’ve got to be kidding party minions must all think is my massive suite of luxury corporate-agenda offices). 

image  I’m reading my latest edition of the People’s Voice, a communist publication I never subscribed to but they send it to me anyway (to “Joel Johaneson”, ignorant of the modicum of dignity and respect of even spelling a lowly comrade’s name correctly), and which they publish on newsprint made out of trees (but they point out it’s printed by union labour, so phew!), and in which they are advertising the “17th Annual People’s Voice Victory” banquet with its guest speaker, Sam Hammond of the Communist Party of Canada.  The banquet is at the Russian Hall, donchaknow.  (I’m not sure what “Victory” they’re talking about, save what they credibly perceive to be the latest and most recent removal of yet another layer of freedom and capitalism in Canada and the U.S., what with the “stimulus” spending and all, and its replacement with yummy, “victorious”, socialism.) 

I’ve got my computer monitor switched OFF so as to save the planet from all the “man-made global warming” while I’m reading the commie crapfest newstripe nonsense garbage. 

But as I’m reading and doing other work, (perhaps inspired by the People’s Voice and Communist Party motto printed atop the People’s Voice newspaper, “Workers of all lands, unite!”), I noticed that annoying drone of a car idling outside my office window.  So I went out and peered around the corner and saw it was, of all things, a BC Hydro vehicle.  A Jeep, mind you.  Not a “Smart car” or a bike or a horse and buggy or anything, you know, “green”. 

It’s 12:26 PM or so. 

image This people’s vehicle, owned by the state (British Columbia, whose liberal-left Liberal government just imposed a “carbon tax” in order to correct the very bad behavior of its misbehaving citizens) and in service of the state-owned, state-run BC Hydro power “authority”, which instructs us all day long on the necessity of being “Power Smart” (see actual Power Smart team, left, from BC Hydro’s web site, which appears ready to campaign for “Power Smart” or Pride Day, whichever comes first), was occupied by a state employee “worker” who seemed to be enjoying the air conditioning inside the Jeep with its V6 or perhaps V8 engine idling for absolutely no reason that I could ascertain, outside my neighbor’s house, while the workers of the world around him were united in actually working

At 12:40, I took a picture of the idling vehicle, as seen below.
BC Hydro idles away while instructing citizens to be 'Power Smart'

At 12:50, it was still there, idling away.  So it’s now been about 25 minutes of idle time.  I’m actually getting worried that the poor driver/worker guy bit the big one right there inside the Jeep, perhaps from freezing to death from the AC.  I switched my spy camera to video capture mode so as to capture the sound of the official state vehicle running with its air conditioning whirring away, in case members of the Politburo call me up to question me. 

BC Hydro boots their Jeep possibly to attend to emergency AC cool down 'n nappy timeThen the driver/worker suddenly booted it and zipped away — so quickly that I barely had time to turn around and snap another shot of him leaving.  Those Jeeps can really haul ass when you gun it as if it ran on composted human poo instead of that evil man-made global warmer fossil fuel, gasoline, made in corporate agenda-style Alberta by the big oil companies. 

So anyway, apparently that whole “Power Smart” thing is a total ruse, and the “man-made global warming” is indeed a bunch of total bull.

So I’m leaving my monitor on from now on when I’m reading the People’s Voice.

Use that cell phone camera or what ever other means you’ve got handy to help expose liberals and further leftists for the hypocrites they are, and send them to me!  I’ll expend untold amounts of electricity to ensure they get posted online, and then I’ll leave my computer and monitor running just willy-nilly for utterly no reason whatsoever.  That’s what I call being “Power Smart”.  People like us using our people power, smartly, to correct government and liberal-left lunacy and hypocrisy.

Don’t laugh at the commies!
The communists at the People’s Voice are also using their June 20 “Victory” banquet (mentioned above) to help further their goal of raising their annual $50,000 in operating funds.  So far, they’ve raised over 60% of their goal.  This is approximately 100% more than the conservatives of Canada and the U.S. have contributed to me and ProudToBeCanadian, and I’ve still got a wheelbarrow full of my PTBC (fund-raising) flag pins to sell in the free market.  So lest you laugh too hard at the commies, they’re actually doing much better than I am.  They’re winning.

Joel Johannesen
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