Thursday, May 2, 2024

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Why do my tax dollars support anti-conservative, anti-capitalist, socialism-advocate organizations?

Like any good Canadian who believes in our national values and founding principles of free-markets, capitalism, and personal responsibility might do, I subscribe to the Fraser Institute’s email news updates.  Because they stand for all those normal Canadian values.  They want to preserve them. 

But because I’m intellectually curious about the far-left and its advocacy of creeping socialism, bigger governments, more taxation, the destruction of the free-market, capitalist system and its inherent loss of freedom and personal responsibility in my country and others, I also subscribe to the email updates from the far-left Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA —where the “Alternative” is socialism — not to be confused with the Soviet Union “CCCP”, where the manifesto was Marx and Lenin’s socialism).  The CCPA openly advocates for socialist policies all day long, and denigrates any conservative-minded thinking out of hand.  They are abject far-left socialists and are proud of it, and they want all of Canada to be, too. 

imageimageDisambiguation:  Here’s the Russian for the old Soviet Union:
Союз Советских Социалистических Республик
Roughly translated, it stands for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  Hockey fans will remember seeing it on Russian hockey uniforms during the Olympics and Canada-Russia hockey games.  The CCCP logo with its communist hammer and sickle logo is seen at left on a red sports bag.  The CCPA’s logo is the ever so happy-faced maple leaf one at right.

So it surprises me that even as I watch the state-owned, state-run, socialism-reliant CBC in the background as they go about their day advocating socialism and subtly (or sometimes not so subtly) denigrating anything remotely not left-wing or worse, overtly conservative-thinking, I get a report from the CCCP —sorry, the CCPA—with this logo set on the bottom, acknowledging its “sponsors”:


It’s deplorable enough that I see that red badge of state-control and “sponsorship” and “support”, that damned, big nanny-state government CANADA image logo at the end of every, single, solitary Canadian-made TV show or movie and all over nearly every other Canadian festival or event and most every other “thing” in Canada, which reminds me of the Soviet Union or any other socialist country, but I don’t expect to see it on “research papers” from an organization that stands for pretty much everything I abhor —a far-left political and economic and social advocacy organization which I think helps advance the destruction of my country and those things that made it great.

Shocker alert:  Their “research” concluded that (1.) “welfare is a right” and (2.) welfare rates should be raised and (3.) a national public state-run day care (and if I understand the left correctly, “early learning” —wink!) program must be implemented, and (4.) other socialist drivel. 

By the way, the VanCity credit union logo is ubiquitous on anything left wing, particularly in the west:  every gay and lesbian affair including gay pride parades, the “man-made global warming” rallies, and really almost any “progressive”, left-wing affair at all.  The left and far left “progressives” are their target market, apparently.  It’s a wonder they aren’t themselves sponsored by Canada.  I’ll bet the government is a huge customer. 

Just for fun, I double-checked some of the more recent Fraser Institute papers, and found nothing of the sort there.  In fact they quite openly state that they receive no funds from anybody except private individuals (including me) and organizations.  To wit:  “We do not accept government grants or contracts for research. We depend on contributions from thousands of individuals, organizations, and foundations.”  And furthermore:

Supporting choice, competitive markets, and personal responsibility

The Fraser Institute measures and studies the impact of competitive markets and government interventions on individuals and society. The public policies we propose show how society as a whole benefits and prospers by allowing competitive markets to flourish and encouraging economic freedom so people can make their own choices.

If, like us, you envision a world that embraces open and competitive markets, personal responsibility, and the freedom to make our own economic decisions, then you can help us make a difference.

The Fraser Institute is an independent non-profit research organization. We do not accept grants or payments for research. We depend on contributions from thousands of individuals, organizations, and foundations to conduct and publicize our research.

Another “supporter” of the “research” that the CCCP — sorry CCPA — is doing is the state-owned, fully taxpayer-funded Simon Fraser University (known to be a particularly left-wing institution of, um, “learning”, even compared to the other universities in Canada).  This double-dipping from one taxpayer hand to another and over to left-wing organizations is nothing new —just look at the CBC, and every Canadian show or movie or documentary they present— it’s just worth pointing out to those of you who still care about Canada staying free. 

This is not normal.  This is left-wing advocacy being paid for taxpayers.  And that isn’t right. 


Joel Johannesen
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