Friday, May 17, 2024

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Cinco de what now? Clueless Obama: thinks he said “4th of May” in Spanish, actually says “5 of 4”

President Obama doesn’t know what Cinco de Mayo means?  He’s never been able to figure out the Cinco being five and the Mayo being May?  Are you kidding me?  And Latinos voted for that one? 

Exemplary of someone who truly has no clue about anything that wasn’t written down for him on a teleprompter or taught to him directly by a patient and multicultural-luvin’ school teacher, the “ever so brilliant” and “knowledgeable” and “learned” President Barack H. Obama — and oh yeah I’m supposed to add “former Harvard Professor” — was caught in another of those EXTREMELY rare moments when he wasn’t reading off the teleprompter, and he goofs up again.  Did I mention how smart he was?  So smart. Harvard Professor.  Brilliant.  Science “back to its rightful place”… “smart foreign policy”…. tea bag protester folks were out there “waggin’ their tea bags around” and are so stupid …  vote liberal.  Check. 

Naturally the TV news media will NOT cover this, his 57th such off-teleprompter goof-up, citing other more important stories that must be covered.  Like Sarah Palin saying “America is great” or mispronouncing something. 

‘El no habla’: Obama jumbles Cinco de Mayo salute

WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama’s joke wasn’t lost in translation—even though he referred to a Cinco de Mayo celebration as “Cinco de Cuatro.” 


“Welcome to Cinco de Cuatro—Cinco de Mayo at the White House,” said Obama, in what appeared to be an attempt to note they were celebrating on the fourth of May instead of the fifth.

Cinco de cuatro means “five of four” in Spanish.

“We are a day early, but we always like to get a head start here at the Obama White House,” he said.

I don’t even speak Spanish but I know a “cinco” from a cuatro”, and even a child could spot the diff between a “Mayo” and a “cuatro”.  I mean in the U.S., don’t they teach simple numbers and basic counting to ten in Spanish —in about the 4th grade?  If not, wouldn’t you learn that on your own?  If you wanted to be President some day?  Or were actually President?

Then he goes on reading his speech as usual, obviously totally clueless about what on Earth he’s talking about and what a fool he’s made of himself. 

Watch as he blithely goes on and on, pretending like he knows whereof he speaks, but actually being totally unaware… as he reads, and reads…

Apparently wife Michelle doesn’t have a clue either.  And she’s also so brilliant. Huh.

Obama on campaign trail says Americans should learn Spanish.  Says he’s embarrassed Americans aren’t bilingual!

P.S.:  George Bush speaks Spanish.  Merely attended Harvard and Yale.  Not a professor.  What a moron. 


Joel Johannesen
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