Tuesday, April 30, 2024

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News media writes up story on John Edwards; suddenly he’s not a Democrat

CTV. ca takes a May 3rd Associated Press political news report and finds it to be absolutely perfect, doesn’t edit it, and presents it on their web site as the full story.  As only a liberal-biased news editor could.  As I very clearly see it. 

image For the hideously biased liberal media, the story is exactly what they want you to think is “the full story”;  containing all the important information they, as serious fair and balanced political news journalists, want to have in a politics-related hard news story:  Democratic Party presidential contender John Edwards is under federal investigation related to funds possibly paid to cover up the adulterous relationship he engaged in while his wife was suffering with cancer, just before the presidential campaign. 

Only they leave out the “Democratic Party” part.  On purpose. 

As is perfectly normal for the liberal-left corrupt media in North American, the word “Democrat” or “Democratic Party” appears not once in the entire story.  Not once. 

It’s perfect. 

For a corrupt media. 

See:  “John Edwards acknowledges federal inquiry”

Now just for a little Monday morning fun, imagine if it were Sarah Palin. 

Meanwhile, in another May 3rd Associated Press story, which CTV didn’t run, his party affiliation is mentioned. 

RALEIGH, N.C. – His once-prominent political career is buried and the turmoil of his marriage is playing out in public. Now, John Edwards is facing a federal inquiry.

The two-time Democratic presidential candidate acknowledged Sunday that investigators are assessing how he spent his campaign funds — a subject that could carry his extramarital affair from the tabloids to the courtroom. Edwards’ political action committee paid more than $100,000 for video production to the firm of the woman with whom Edwards had an affair…


The state-owned media, the CBC, refuses to even cover the story at their web site, once again deploying the “all the news that’s fit to print as long as it doesn’t hurt the Left”, or the brilliant “head in the sand”, or their well-used “we dint see nuttin” strategy, for dealing with bad news emanating from the left. 

Once again:  imagine if it were Sarah Palin, whom the CBC absolutely adores… as a political news target.  Or if it were absolutely any conservative on Earth.  Imagine the ink.  The video clips.  The number of times “Republican” would be uttered…


Joel Johannesen
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