Sunday, May 5, 2024

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Liberal muckamuck mucks it up. No, he outright lies. (Don’t worry, he’s a liberal!)

Further to my rant on Ignatieff’s call for Canadian “patriotism” and our “rights”…

Despite it not being a right explicitly offered to us in the liberals’ Constitution, my wife has been checking on new cars, since her job required her to have a good car, our car is now officially fit for the dumper, and she got a car allowance to enable her to finance a car (which, after the added income taxes, doesn’t, really). 

Here’s the math:
So of course I pointed her to my list of cars built in Canada by the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW), and we will exclude all of those from buying contention.  No, we will not buy a car made by the CAW, since they have joined the class warfare battle being waged in Canada against us and much of what we stand for, as launched by socialist Jack Layton and the entire you’ve got to be kidding party.  They seek to divide us and do so by falsely blaming such things as the global financial meltdown on “right-wingers” and those of us who think in terms of a “corporate agenda” (this overblown rhetoric by the CAW leader is also known amongst those of us in the sensible set as words to describe normal free-market capitalism).  [Reference]  So we’re hardly going to spend our cash supporting their ideological/political war against us. 

That leaves any other cars built in North America, preferably American of course, since a buy American policy directly supports Canada.  And we want to exclude Chrysler and GM cars, since they are on the government bailout dole, and we are dead set against any government bailout recipients.  Ford is the only American company that hasn’t accepted any government bailout cash.  So we like the Ford Escape—an SUV crossover.  Built in America.  But we’ve barely started looking.

imageWhich relates directly to this April 15 laugh

…After telling reporters that a Liberal government would have sounder and more aggressive economic policies than the Conservative government, McCallum, who arrived at the gathering as a passenger in a VW Jetta, was asked what kind of car he drove.

McCallum stammered for several seconds before responding: “I drive a North American-made car.” Asked to be more specific, he responded: “I drive a General Motors car.” Asked again to be more specific, he said it was “a Chevrolet.”

McCallum phoned The Star about an hour later to retreat from those comments, offering this explanation in a voicemail: “I said the wrong thing without thinking. The fact of the matter is that I do not own a North American-made car.”

He followed with an e-mail sent from his Blackberry that said: “To confirm message I left on your voicemail, to clarify, I do not own a North American made vehicle.”

McCallum never divulged what kind of car he owns.

I think all liberal-left politicians would agree that in the interest of exposing the “patriotism” that Liberal leader Ignatieff suddenly believes is so important, and the ever so important adherence to their war on the “man-made global warming” (which is another form of “patriotism”, and indeed even “morality”, we’re told), MPs should be required to publicly disclose all the vehicles they own, and the amount of gas and oil and electricity their homes consume.  Not on some date in the future mind you, but on this date, April 17, so as to prevent the unscrupulous ones—99 percent of them—from running out and leasing a new Toyota Prius (or more likely, a CAW-built car since many of them are so drunk on the Kool Aid that they actually think it’s un-Canadian to buy something that isn’t made by far-left fringe and perhaps Marxist labor unions like the CAW).

And then of course their public declarations should be checked for outright lies.  Especially those submitted by Liberal ex-cabinet ministers. 


Joel Johannesen
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