Friday, May 3, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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The change is coming: Get to know your socialist language

Obama’s changing America.  Luckily Canada is already a bilingual country.  But to understand what’s going on, it’s important to thoroughly learn the most important languages in liberal Canada:  French and Socialist.  Other optional language choices in Canada are Hindi, Mandarin, Farsi, SuzukiGore, Taxnspend, Moonbat, Obamalove, and English (on that last one be sure to say aboat instead of about, and add Bush sux or for the truly hip, Sarah Palin’s a moron to the end of every third sentence!). 

Lesson 1:  “investment”  When you hear liberals and politicians generally talking about “investment”, which you hear 800 times per day (sometimes confused with “stimulus”), they don’t mean you investing in stocks and bonds, they mean government SPENDING and SOCIAL ENGINEERING.  Again that’s SPENDING and SOCIAL ENGINEERING.  (I’ve said all this here many times before but I’m not with the government or its CBC division so nobody believes me.)  Specifically, they’re speaking of the government spending of your cash, an action for which they proudly (weirdly to me but nobody else) take “credit” somehow.  They boast about it and win elections by promising more of this insanity.  And even weirder still, Canadian stupids give them credit and vote for them on promises of these “investments” they make with their own money, acknowledging that they (the weirdly benevolent government) know better than the little people (them) how to spend their own money.  (For more information Google “beer and popcorn” or just visit this web site daily). 

TYPICAL USAGE: “We’re going to tax the bajeezus out of you especially if you work hard and earn decent money, and spend your cash for you in government-run education for what used to be ‘your’ pre-school children to ensure they’re properly learning the right stuff like homosexuality, condom usage, capitalism is ‘evil’, be ‘inclusive’ of radical left-wing activists, and ‘tolerant’ of our shared anti-conservative messaging, with anti-Christian undertones”.  Well actually that’s not exactly how you’d hear it.  It would come out as “We’re going to invest in nationalized child daycare and early learning (—wink!) and ensure that tomorrow’s children are raised to be good socialists.”  OK I still don’t have it quite right but you get the idea. 

Anytime you hear the term “investment”, hold on to your wallet and whip out your socialism translator (it might be that gizmo with one of those benevolent CANADA government-sponsored life logos on it).  It means they’re about to spend your cash on another social engineering project for your own good because they know best. 

Lesson 2:  “Justice”… is another favorite term applied to the end of things by liberals and other leftists.  You hear it all the time.  It’s a feel-good BS word meant to confuse you into thinking something good is about to happen, but invariably something bad is. 

“Economic justice”, for example, means socialism at its very core.  It means taking money away from people who worked hard and earned it and have it, and giving it to people who didn’t and don’t and won’t and never will because of ideas like this.  “Spreading the wealth,” as now-President Obama told Joe the Plumber about Joe’s exorbitant wealth, which he explained must be passed onto the unemployed and poor in Chicago.  (Joe took exception, if you remember, which caused him to be utterly castigated and shunted into the made-up realm of right-wing nutbars, by the liberal-left).  Equality of opportunity is not enough.  Liberals demand equality of OUTCOME.  It’s unjust for people to not have the same economic outcome.  It’s just for everybody to have the same amount of money, no matter how they got it.  Get it?  Now you’re thinking like a liberal! 

“Social justice” means much the same thing, only with affirmative action.  Liberals and other leftists think black people and women and lesbians are incapable of achieving anything on their own, without a government aid program or crutch.  I’ve tried to explain that liberals are racists and sexists and what they call “homophobes” of the worst sort, only they call YOU and ME that, as obfuscatory cover.  It’s cute, in that liberal fascist kind of way. 

So their “social justice” 5-year plans include things like what the NDP and Liberal Party does, where they allow only women or gay folk or “visible minorities” to run as candidates in various ridings, on their theory that they can’t make it on their own, owing to their inherent stupidness, weakness, or ineptitude.  And they ensure that only “visible minorities” are hired next time around.  Only conservatives have faith in all humans of all colors and sexes and sexual dalliance and their God-given abilities to make it on their own (if liberals would just let them!), which explains why me and my conservative brethren were fairly unmoved when Obama was elected, much to the chagrin of liberals who were apoplectic about our reaction in contradistinction to their own amazed reaction, and to this day can’t stop trying to force me to celebrate and go ape-poop like them. 

TYPICAL USAGE:  This example (below) from today’s news is a good example of its usage.  It sounds like a typically Canadian liberal-leftist government and grant program for the likes of the CBC and other left-wing “artist” groups (“artists” is itself another cute moniker which has come to be be known to those of us in the smart set as another word for leftist, activist, the unshowered Euroliberal-odored, the anti-conservative hackjobber, nipple-pierced anti-Christian bigot, and NDP-voter, depending on the context).

Where Your Tax Money Goes: EPA Awards $800,000 in ‘Environmental Justice’ Grants

( – Communities in 28 states will receive $800,000 to address “environmental justice challenges,” the Environmental Protection Agency announced this week.


One of the grant recipients is the Women’s Environmental Institute at Amador Hill in North Branch, Minn., which describes itself as a “retreat center” where people can “renew, learn and organize for environmental justice.”

The institute deals with environmental issues and policies relevant to women and children as well as communities “especially affected by environmental injustices.” The institute says it promotes “agricultural justice, organic and sustainable agriculture and ecological awareness.” It also supports “activism that influences public policy and promotes social change.”


“These grants mark the beginning of a full-scale revitalization of what we do and how we think about environmental justice,” said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson.

Yes, environmental justice” is a new one to me too, but we now understand it means taxpayer cash for Marxist feminist loons and political activists who support left-wing causes and candidates —or what they call “activism that influences public policy and promotes social change.”  Cute! 

The old familiar “Justice system” used to stand for something far more noble:  law and order and courts and judges and fighting crime and protecting freedoms and such.  Today it means “rehabilitating” criminals and “re-integrating them back into society” (ours, not theirs) and blaming society and all in all, ensuring lots of criminals—and you the victims—will forever be in need of more and more state-sponsored aid and prevention programs (and “early learning”  —wink!) run by unionized government workers and paid for by government, all of which they hold to imply is “progressive”. 

More lessons to come.


Joel Johannesen
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