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“Moderator” of VP debate: huge fan of Obama, releasing a book about him on Inauguration Day

But as long as nobody knew anything about this, it’s OK to liberals and the left.  They’re all about the fair. They put country first. 


VP debate moderator Ifill releasing pro-Obama book

Focuses on blacks who are ‘forging a bold new path to political power’

Posted: September 30, 2008
8:35 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

The moderator of tomorrow’s vice-presidential debate is writing a book to come out on the day the next president takes the oath of office that aims to “shed new light” on Democratic candidate Barack Obama and other “emerging young African American politicians” who are “forging a bold new path to political power.”

Gwen Ifill of the Public Broadcasting Service program “Washington Week” is promoting “The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama,” in which she argues the “black political structure” of the civil rights movement is giving way to men and women who have benefited from the struggles over racial equality.

Ifill declined to return a WND telephone message asking for a comment about her book project and whether its success would be expected should Obama lose. But she has faced criticism previously for not treating candidates of both major parties the same.

During a vice-presidential candidate debate she moderated in 2004 – when Democrat John Edwards attacked Republican Dick Cheney’s former employer, Halliburton – the vice president said, “I can respond, Gwen, but it’s going to take more than 30 seconds.”

“Well, that’s all you’ve got,” she told Cheney.

Ifill told the Associated Press Democrats were delighted with her answer, because they “thought I was being snippy to Cheney.” She explained that wasn’t her intent.


Columnist Michelle Malkin, in a post on her blog today, wonders how Ifill can objectively moderate the debate tomorrow night with the personal interest she has in the election’s outcome.

“My dictionary defines ‘moderator’ as ‘the nonpartisan presiding officer of a town meeting.’ On Thursday, PBS anchor Gwen Ifill will serve as moderator for the first and only vice presidential debate. The stakes are high. The Commission on Presidential Debates, with the assent of the two campaigns, decided not to impose any guidelines on her duties or questions.

“But there is nothing ‘moderate’ about where Ifill stands on Barack Obama. She’s so far in the tank for the Democrat presidential candidate, her oxygen delivery line is running out,” Malkin writes.

“Ifill and her publisher are banking on an Obama/Biden win to buoy her book sales. The moderator expected to treat both sides fairly has grandiosely declared this the ‘Age of Obama.’ Can you imagine a right-leaning journalist writing a book about the ‘stunning’ McCain campaign and its ‘bold’ path to reform timed for release on Inauguration Day – and then expecting a slot as a moderator for the nation’s sole vice presidential debate?”

Malkin cited Ifill’s previous reporting on Obama for “Essence” magazine, an article titled, “The Obamas: Portrait of an American Family.” Ifill’s “neutral analysis” about Michelle Obama, Malkin said with irony, was, “A lot of people have never seen anything that looks like a Michelle Obama before. She’s educated, she’s beautiful, she’s tall, she tells you what she thinks and they hope that she can tell a story about Barack Obama and about herself. …”

Read the rest—it’s very revealing of the outright perfidy of the liberal-left, both here and in the U.S..  And the demise of “journalism”.  And hopefully the dinosaur mainstream liberal media. 


On a slightly similar vein, I recently wondered in this space if sitting Liberal MP Garth Turner (who is running for re-election) couldn’t possibly have an interest in another issue that you could describe as “black hope”:  Housing prices in Canada, and therefore possibly the entire economy of our nation—collapsing.  Garth Turner just wrote a book (in his spare time as a sitting Liberal MP),  portending exactly that kind of black Monday happening soon in Canada. 

Surely his book sales, his general reputation as a guru, and the high esteem in which his sheeple hold him, will all rise if housing prices and possibly the entire economy collapses in Canada. 

As a sitting MP in the Opposition and possibly forming government and becoming a Minister in a Dion Cabinet, I imagine that’s an odd conundrum.  Canadians’ housing values collapse; and possibly the economy collapses.  And that prescient warning and advise of his… it makes you wonder if maybe he shouldn’t have written that book and promoted it on CBC as a sitting MP hoping to be a cabinet minister…

I wonder which way would he go on issues surrounding the economy?  (I’m sure he’d cast aside his personal interests and put country first.  No really.  He’s liberal.  They care about country first.)  And this is all just speculation and opinion and conjecture and questions.  It’s not like a Conservative wrote the book. 

(He was interviewed at great length on CBC Newsworld, of course — because it’s “news” when Liberals say anything — as I blogged here:  “CBC & Liberal MP team up to tout HIS new book on upcoming financial CRISIS!  DISASTER! CRASH!”.) 


They’ve got a lock on principles, huh?


Like a Doctor with the world’s worst bedside manner, on a story about the coming Congressional vote on the financial rescue package in the U.S., the CBC forgets to insert all manner of “so-called” and what nots, unlike when they’re talking about the “so-called war on terror”, for example, and goes all medical on us: 

CBC Newsworld anchor, Doctor Andrew Nichols – “As Allison points out, the vote can still go either way and it’s really only a general treatment planned for a very sickly patient—the U.S. economy!  It’s latest vital signs show just how sickly and infectious that patient is !!

  As usual Jeannie Lee is watching the market reaction for us and Jeannie, what are we seeing in this countdown to the vote?”

[Jeannie Lee begins her answer with a downtrodden sigh…]



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