Sunday, May 12, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Media unwittingly officially declares it: Liberal Party now officially in deep doo-doo

The liberals’ media always invoke The Great Trudeau—by which they mean any cotton-pickin’ Trudeau—when their yummy Liberals are in deep doo-doo.  They think this brings forth all manner of quixotic yearning for the good old days when Canada went into deficit and debt for the first time in earnest; and when The Great Pierre Trudeau flipped western Canadians the bird, literally (which all Ontarians and east coast liberals simply adored); and the beginning of their drive to socialism which they continue to drive today; and of time of taxing and spending;  and the start of their ongoing effort to magically change our history and our very nature and turn Canada into a nation of official effeminate wusses began their re-write of history so as to “mainstream” the fine art of being left-wing anti-American peacenicks and pretending we’ve always been a nation of so-called “peacekeepers”; and of course the time when Canada officially became a nation of committee women. 


Li’l Junior Trudeau presumes to examine Prime Minister Harper, whom all polls indicate are Canadians’ favorite choice for leader—presumably an indication that he best understands them.  And Trudeau declares that Harper “doesn’t understand Canadians”.  Because of the so-called “cuts” to the “arts”.  And the CTV prints it.  Doesn’t question it. 

But of course being a Trudeau, and a Liberal, he does understand Canada like no other sub-Trudeau. 

It’s funny.  And CTV thinks it’s a “news” story.  He actually only said about three words in the story—the rest of the story has nothing to do with him—which is another funny thing.  Of over 730 words, anything Trudeau remotely said, including the CTV’s fawning setups and explanations, consumes 154 words.  A fifth of the article warrants a “TRUDEAU” headline. 

It’s funny but it’s a little sad too, for our nation. 

Please watch my YouTube video of a previous time they invoked Trudeau.

Also observe that The Great Trudeau (Junior) apparently thinks Layton and Dion do understand Canada.  The NDP’s Jack Layton declares today that he would use the power of the state and its regulators and laws to force Canadians to watch Canadian-ONLY television during prime time.  Like a fascist.  And where Liberal Frenchman Stephane Dion declares today that he’ll create state-“fun” using tax dollars in the magnitude of a half BILLION dollars, on the basis that Canadians like to have “fun”.  Like a communist would promise the proletariat class. 

THEY understand Canadians. 

And if you really believe that, by all means vote Liberal or NDP or Communist or Marijuana or Hippopotamus or whatever you want. 


Joel Johannesen
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