Thursday, May 2, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Harper Conservatives pull a liberal-style economic corporate welfare move again

Watching the Canadian business news on TV (Business News Network or BNN) just now as a government aid package is announced for another American automobile corporation, Ford, which has laid folks off largely as a result of their failure to gauge market demand and because of their terrible foresight and choices. 

As if the God of Free Markets was watching events unfold, this corporate welfare and election pandering to Ontario state-sponsored leftists comes immediately after BNN reported that Toyota’s Canadian sales are up 29%, largely as a result of the Prius hybrid and their other astute readings of the market demand for these cars. 


This repeated taxpayer reward for failure, this repeated election pandering, is cutely called government “investment” or “partnership”, by the instigators.  For clarity, let me remind you:  When the government uses these terms, it is actually code for corporate welfare or full-on “socialism”.  Also known as “buying your votes”.  Also see “Liberal”.  And it’s causing erstwhile free market enterprises to rely—even more than they now have been trained to do by successive liberal-left governments in Canada—on state sponsorship. Soviet-style.  Government getting its tentacles on more private enterprise ventures so as to somehow control production and steer it to something more to their liking.  Communism-style. 

Soon every car in Canada will have to have one of those fabulous image logos to remind us that it is much like the CBC —indicating that production was thanks largely to the state—much like in North Korea.

The Conservatives clearly believe market forces and the free market don’t work. 

We’re close already, but very soon, nearly nobody in Canada will be able to say that they don’t rely, to one degree or another, or even fully, on some form of state sponsorship for their jobs, or the company they work for relies on government welfare for their existence, or Canadians for their very existence. 

Personally, I would go over there and proudly announce that me and my government promise to not “invest” a single taxpayer penny in Ford Motor Company.  I would promise to not spend taxpayer cash in that way, ever.  I would promise to spend less money rather than more.  I would make it an election plank.  I would promise to get out of the way of the free market, and make government smaller and less intrusive. 

I would promise to reduce taxes and the size and scope and the involvement of the state in our lives, instead. 

But then I’m not Liberal Party Too.  I’m a conservative. 


Joel Johannesen
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