Friday, May 3, 2024

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Polls and principles: John McCain and the others

A two-year-old letter to President Bush by by Republican Presidential candidate John McCain (reference for those who understandably have never heard of the fella: he’s running against The Great Obama.  Google “John McCain old”) surfaced this week, proving that McCain puts America and winning in Iraq ahead of his personal or political ambitions; as President Bush himself does, but unlike most others. 

President Bush responded this week to the Washington Times, saying:

“John recognized early on that more troops would be needed in order to achieve the security necessary for the Iraqis to make the political progress we’re seeing now.

“He supported that action even though many said it would hurt his campaign [for president]. He didn’t care about popularity; he cared about success for our troops and our country. And now that the surge has worked, it proves that John’s judgment was correct.”

Genius poser war strategist Barrack Hussein Obama and his far-left base were dead set against the surge, declaring in advance that according to his renowned and vast military and war expertise and judgment (although without even ever talking directly to the Generals on the ground there—how’s that for judgment?), America had already lost the war, the surge wouldn’t work, and that America would be wiped out there, and he demanded an immediate surrender, as he still does now but to an increasingly lesser degree… increasingly lesser as facts—and polls—prove him and his dangerously bad judgment wrong, daily.

In contradistinction to John McCain, here in Canada, nationwide survey results (widely reported in the liberal media—it casts Conservative government in a negative light, so, duh), were released this week.  The survey, conducted by Harris-Decima, was commissioned by the federal government and was of course paid for by taxpayers (nearly $100,000), Liberal government-style.  The survey was designed to gauge the pulse of the Canadian electorate regarding Conservative government actions and performance, ostensibly so that the government could change and react to the polls accordingly, Liberal government-style.  The Liberals were famous for their massive taxpayer-paid polling, and starkly changing positions on massively important issues of principle—gay ‘marriage’ springs to mind, in which they first declared they’d never go for it, then polled, and flipped their “principles” 180 degrees.  They lived by pop culture and flavor-of-the-day polls, which are, as often as not, influenced by the latest specious bon mot from the likes of Bono or Susan Sarandon or worse, Jack Layton or Svend Robinson or Barack Obama. 

Similarly, Liberal Frenchman Stephane Dion has repeatedly indicated he detests the governing Conservatives, is absolutely against everything they stand for, and repeatedly informs us that they must be defeated immediately; that the country he cares about is going in the wrong—a “dangerous”—direction on most every issue including even the war in Afghanistan which he and his own party got us into (correctly)… and yet he’s still “fishing” (his word) for the right time to “strike” (his word), rather than following his own stated principles and acting to bring the government down and force an election immediately, possibly allowing Canadians to express their democratic preference for Conservatives

He’s not looking out for you.  He’s looking out for him.  Polls over principle, Obama-style. Dion style.  Liberal style. 

Another notable liberal, Democratic Party Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who while campaigning against the Iraq surge, identically declared that America had already lost the war, and that the surge would not work, this week chimed in with this remark to Joe Lieberman, Independent Democrat who supports the war and the surge and who will speak at the Republican Party convention rather than the Democratic Party’s, “I told him last night, ‘You know, Joe, I can’t stand John McCain.’”  Among other things, this is a frightening betrayal—as the Senate Majority Leader—of the shallow depths of his principles if not also his political acumen, as the man who would work directly with a President McCain, whom he apparently begrudges for being right about America. 

Those among us in the conservative set who can offer-up only scant praise for John McCain, feel comfortable in praising him for his Iraq war judgment, which went bravely against not only all polls but also much of his own party, and his President.  It was an example—dare I say Reagan-style—of principle over polls. 

Rather than following the pop culture and the trendy poll numbers, the polls are now swinging his way.  Now that he’s seen as principled on that matter, and now that he’s being proven right, the polls are following him.  This is leadership in action. 


Joel Johannesen
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