Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Liberal Senate: “Victory through tea and buns with barbarians!”

The liberals’ Senate division is on a roll.  Yesterday, one of their lunatic left-wing fringe, Liberal Senator Larry Campbell, introduced a Senate bill (after spending weeks on it) banning the evil NFL from Canada.  Terrorists entering Canada are one thing, but Americans?  We must act!  Defend Canada!  Ban them!  Canadians must be protected from these…. bad-ass Americans!

But also this week the liberals’ Senate recommended deploying the grand liberal-left weapon of mass appeasement and enemy legitimacy: the national Canadian tea and bun set.  Yes, they officially recommend a nice chat with the Taliban terrorists and murderers in Afghanistan in order to end the war.  Yes a chat with the ones who are committed, long-term, with no “end date”, to murdering Canadians who are trying to bring peace and democracy and freedom and civilization to their country.  Negotiate!  Give a little!  After all, they’re simply misunderstood.  (I’m not sure what part of bombs blowing heroic Canadians to smithereens and aiding al-Qaeda in order to help them destroy the entire western civilization the Liberal Senators don’t understand, but anyway.)

The London Free Press reports (hat tip to Marc):

Canadian soldiers and government officials in Kandahar should talk to the Taliban if they believe communication would encourage disarmament or improve the security of critical development projects, the nine-member panel said.

Good job, liberals.  If the Taliban can read, they’re laughing their dusty chupan-draped butts off at Canada right now.  Even their camels are.

“Drawing lines in the sand is one of those child-rearing mechanisms that doesn’t always work in the adult world of conflict resolution.”

Spoken like a truly slightly retarded naive child of far-left liberal parents while switching from mom’s right breast to the left.  (And what a fabulous “thumbs-up” from the elite back home in Canada to the Generals and soldiers on the ground fighting for their lives and ultimately ours —you’re child-like!  You ought to think like us adults!  … And by the way who are these elite people to speak of “child-rearing”?  Aren’t they the ones who are so utterly bereft of the ability to do it properly that they think the government bureaucrats should rear our children for us in one of their national child care (and “early learning” —wink!) institutions?)

Chatting on a diplomatic level without precondition with savage freedom-hating stone-age barbarians who have a long history of wanting nothing less than the full and complete tyrannical military and extremist Islamic control over their poor people; and who seek to offer terrorists a bastion of terrorist training and recruitment; and who work for the total death and destruction of Canadians and all those in the West who remotely resemble us, is a rather insane or child-like sensibility that should be immediately shut down in this country.  It’s very Obama-esque. As I said, it’s child-like.

If the Senate’s national security committee busy-bodies are looking for ways to end the war, send in our F-18s.  That’s the kind of thinking that stone-age barbarians understand. 



Joel Johannesen
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