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Dion, Ignatieff still in leadership race-related debt to well-monied lenders

…And Conservatives are wondering why Elections Canada would grant special election expense loan repayment extensions, beyond the legal limit, to Liberals.  Preferential treatment?  Nah.  Couldn’t be. 

When asked about his $190,000 remaining debts, Liberal Party leader wannabe Michael (“I’m a purdy li’l puffin birdy!”) Ignatieff immediately compares his leadership campaign debt to his left-wing American hero, Barrack Hussein Obama, who apparently currently spends more on his campaign than Iggy did.  Imagine that.  Other than that, they’re exactly the same I guess.

The current “leader” of the leaderless Liberal Party, the Liberal Frenchman Stephane (the “Green Guru”) Dion still owes some $600,000, and can’t seem to pay off his chief lender, an Arab-Canadian named Mamdouh Stefanos, who moved here about 17 years ago, and who apparently happens to have some “environmental patents” he’d like to get happening and thinks Dion might just happen to be the man, what with all his enviro guru-ness ideas up his sleeve like the enviro laws and regulations and that huge carbon tax he’d impose on Canadian families if only he could get elected.  To quote an article from last year“Stefanos said his conversations with Dion have revolved around his excitement over commercializing environment-related patents…” 

Dion’s other large lenders are the likes of Stephen Bronfman, of the famous billionaire Bronfman family, who ironically lives most of his life in a 15,000 square foot mansion (that’s roughly six to ten times the size of most Canadian homes) in The Nation Of Quebec.  Maybe one of Mamdouh’s “environmental patents” will help billionaire Stephen with his gigantic carbon footprint.

Dion, Ignatieff seek debt extensions

Juliet O’Neill, Canwest News Service
Published: Monday, June 02, 2008

OTTAWA – Liberal leader Stephane Dion and his deputy, Michael Ignatieff, are seeking extensions from Elections Canada for paying off leadership campaign loans as an 18-month repayment deadline expires at midnight Tuesday.

Smarting from Elections Canada’s current investigation into alleged Conservative election financing irregularities, the governing party is primed to pounce on Elections Canada’s anticipated extensions for 2006 Liberal leadership candidates who still owe money.

The total amount outstanding from Dion’s $705,000 in loans was not available Monday but his largest lender, Mamdouh Stefanos, a Montreal businessman and philanthropist, said the Liberal leader is expected to take an extra nine months to repay the $350,000 loan he provided.
Contenders for the Liberal leadership Stephane Dion and Michael Ignatieff have both asked for extensions in paying their debts.
Contenders for the Liberal leadership Stephane Dion and Michael Ignatieff have both asked for extensions in paying their debts.

“I have no doubt he will pay,” Stefanos said in an interview Monday.

Ignatieff’s financial agent says he still owes about $190,000 and Ignatieff told supporters that should be totally cleared by the end of the summer.

Ignatieff borrowed more than $500,000 for his $2 million campaign – a competitive price he says, given that Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential nominee, “spends that amount on his national campaign every day.” …


Joel Johannesen
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