Friday, May 3, 2024

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Canada’s CTV News reports good news story from war effort in Afghanistan!

PTBC reader Greg nearly fell off his office chair this morning while catching up with the news, which included this bit of good news from Afghanistan, on liberalvision’s 

My own sources tell me that these good news stories out of Afghanistan are actually regular occurrences —it’s just that the media doesn’t bother to report them.  (Of course the media and the liberals blame that on “the government”, as if “the government” has ever had to get the media to report on all the bad things).  The stories, and the fact that they’re there but hiding, are an example of an actual “hidden agenda”, which is something else that the liberal media has got you all confused about. 

But let’s rejoice instead of complain today… at least for this first bit…

Senator says he sees improvements in Afghanistan

Updated Wed. Apr. 9 2008 10:10 AM ET News Staff

A Liberal senator who just returned from Afghanistan says he’s definitely seen improvements there since his last visit, citing a new road project and better co-operation.

Sen. Colin Kenny, chair of the Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence, told Canada AM on Wednesday that an Afghan elder in the volatile Panjwaii district praised a road-building project there that employs about 400 Afghans.

“He was very positive about the employment, the use of the road. It was a project that Afghans wanted for themselves,” he said, but added that the workers came under harassment from the Taliban.

“Our sense was that we were doing things there that Afghans wanted, that would be of use to them, and that we were being well received by them.”


“I think we have to publicize it more,” Kenny said.

A dinner with Afghan provincial officials, in which they said how Canada’s efforts were making a difference in their region, could have been televised, he said. “We would have been happy to have the media there.”

But, don’t worry—as I said just the other day, every Canadian liberal media story about our brave and noble mission in Afghanistan must—MUST —according to the liberal media’s Guide Book, include the latest tally of the dead soldiers, at the end of each story, no matter what the story is about.  And this story doesn’t fail in their mission to provide that information to you, citizen:

Eighty-two Canadian soldiers, one diplomat and one volunteer civilian aid worker have died in Afghanistan since 2002. The body of latest soldier to die, Pte. Terry Street, arrived back in Canada Tuesday evening.

So remember Canadians —it’s not worth it. Vote liberal.

Joel Johannesen
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