Friday, May 3, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Media bats for Obama; fails to report on his pastor and mentor—or aids him in political recovery

The always excellent Media Research Center is on top of the media cover-up—I mean coverage—I mean the purposeful lack of coverage—of the most recent Barack Obama revelation, down south, revolving around his pastor, mentor, and friend, Jeremiah Wright. 

In Canada, it’s way worse.  After blithely and unashamedly promoting and boosting Obama since his run began, the Canadian media has been practically silent on revelations of what could ONLY —and PROPERLY—be called Obama’s possible “hidden agenda”.  Like his double-talk on NAFTA (the media choosing instead to focus on the supposed leak of that hidden agenda); and of course the more recent video clips of his friend and mentor, informing Obama and his flock about how to think, which is essentially that America is evil and white folks in power in America are trying to kill all blacks with AIDS.

Fox News Channel has been all over the story because they make a point of being on America’s side. I presented info and a video here last weekNEW: ALSO SEE BELOW

1. Instead of Wright, NBC Touts Childhood Pals: ‘Good Luck Barry!’
Friday’s NBC Nightly News allocated a mere 22 seconds to Barack Obama’s condemnation of what fill-in anchor Ann Curry vaguely described as “inflammatory remarks that his long time pastor made about Hillary Clinton and the nation,” but instead of informing viewers of any of those remarks, such as Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s suggestion that the U.S. deserved 9/11, the newscast then devoted three minutes to a celebratory piece about how excited Obama’s childhood friends in Indonesia are about his candidacy. In a story which began and ended with a picture of Obama’s classmates in front of huge “Good Luck Barry!” lettering, reporter Ian Williams trumpeted the wonders Obama is doing abroad: “The fact that Obama lived in Jakarta and studied at this school has really captured the popular imagination. It’s already working wonders for America’s battered image here.” A local commentator oozed over how “Obama’s candidacy confirms the romantic ideals people like me have held since childhood that America’s the land of opportunity.” Williams concluded with how “friends remember Barry playing barefoot in the paddy fields with a real spirit of adventure,” and so now “hope there’ll be no turning back on his journey to the White House. And Barry might attend their next reunion as President of the United States.”

2. On Wright Blaming U.S. for 9/11: ‘How Do We Get Away from This?’
Instead of acting as an impartial journalist who would express interest in probing why Barack Obama may say he disagrees with the incendiary anti-U.S. left-wing rants from his minister while he has remained close to him, Friday afternoon on MSNBC Norah O’Donnell fretted about how “Rush Limbaugh went nuts today on his program about this story” and wondered: “How do we get away from this?” Guest Michael Crowley of The New Republic assured her: “I don’t think this reflects anything on what Barack Obama believes.”

3. Study: Broadcast Networks Fell Down on Covering Jeremiah Wright
As Jeremiah Wright’s screaming sermons have gone from ABC across the media on Friday, many are asking: where were the networks on this story? A Nexis search of network transcripts shows that up until now, Obama’s church and minister have been barely mentioned—and usually as an Obama defense mechanism. Up until March 13, NBC has done nothing. CBS has devoted about a minute to controversy in a February 28 CBS Evening News story. ABC’s Jake Tapper offered Obama’s church-and-minister defense against charges he was a Muslim three times in November and December.

Watch this video in which Obama heaps praise all over Jeremiah White just last June (by first encouraging everyone to give him a “shout out”—you know like the kids on MTV do). 

(Note that it took about a minute and a half to get these 28 words out because it’s all about the style and dramatic delivery for Obama):

…Let me give a special shout out to my pastor, the guy who puts up with me, councils, me, listens to ma wife complain about me.  He’s a friend, and a great leader not just in Chicago but all across the country, … so please everybody give an extraordinary welcome to my pastor…Where’s he at? There he is. That’s him, that’s him right there.  You wearing a suit today, right? …

Read excellent coverage of this latest revelation at the superb Newsbusters blog.

Joel Johannesen
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