Friday, May 10, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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“Give it up for” Obama

Actually I’ve concluded that it’s more important that America and the swooning Canadian liberal set give up on Obama.

I’ve tried my hardest to get mesmerized by Barrack Hussein Obama and his speeches, as the liberals’ Canadian and American media is instructing me to do.  But actually the more I listen to him, the stupider I feel.  I don’t get inspired, I get repulsed.  I don’t feel “hope”—in fact I’m totally against “hope” now.  I don’t “believe in change”—if it means changing to his style of change.  I can’t stand his delivery.  It makes me cringe. 

He sounds like he’s trying to sound like an elixir of Martin Luther King Junior, a preacher at a southern black church, and Johnnie Cochran, only he says pretty much the exact same thing every single time.  As I listen, Cochran’s phrase “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit” keeps running through my head.  I can’t shake it.

And the more I listen, trying my hardest to get past all that, the more ridiculous I realize he and his vacuous message are.  This whole Barrack Obama thang is working out about as well as that phony New York Times hit-job smear piece on John McCain story is for them and what’s left of their scant credibility. 

But the other day, while regurgitating his well-worn speech after his win in Wisconsin, he took the cake.  He started by recognizing some of the key people and groups who were in attendance at the big rally, and after listing them, requested that the crowd… and I quote… “give it up for them”

Again, that’s give it up for them”.

Yes sir, Mr. President!  Hey is that what he’s going to tell the American troops just before he pulls them out of Iraq?  OK troops, give it up for—and to—Osama, this be Prez Obama talkin’! What up?!

imageJust today, the swooning media played a clip of Obama groovin’ with the cats in a band at a concert at a Texas rally last night.  He dances like an old lady.  You know what that’s like—it’s pretty much just embarrassing to watch.  After groovin’ with them on stage, he exited the stage flashing the ever so cool El Diablo sign that all the cool cats (who are aged 14 through 21) do.  Actually, it was a double El Diablo—both hands—which makes him super dooper cool if I understand the kids correctly.

imageAnother clip features him giving the cool knuckle bump to one of his peeps in the crowd.  He’s ever so groovy. 

How long before a President of the United States has a nipple piercing and a pierced eye brow? 

The other day I mentioned how at just about every speech, it seems like a young girl situated in exactly row 6 of the crowded forum feints and Obama takes control, like only a strong Commander In Chief could.  I should have guessed that somebody else noticed that and made a video.  (I noticed he also says “Give it up for…” someone in that video:


Joel Johannesen
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