Thursday, May 16, 2024

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Famous enviro finger-wagger touts new pollution-spewing commercial jet/rocket space adventure

image Richard Branson, that groovy and ever so “progressive” hippy who has famously attempted to repent (actually it’s apparently just “pretend repent”) for his part in the “man-made global warming” / “crisis” / “emergency” we all face today…

Well actually let me start again.  Richard Branson is once again giving us the finger, while also making a total farce out of another one of his causes.  You might say he’s using both hands to finger us now.

To set this up, I have to re-post a blog entry I made last April right here, right now, because this news is just too damn funny in its abject (and now exquisitely typical) hypocrisy of the enviro-left:

My April 24, 2007 blog entry

“Now that I’m tired of partying, help me clean the house.”

Sir Richard Branson appears on the state-run media looking like a smelly 1960s-style long-hair hippy, on purpose no doubt as I’m sure he thinks it befits his newly adopted role as one of Algore’s environmental religion’s


spokesman.  Donning a t-shirt that purposely looks like “F*CK OFF” but actually says “FLICK OFF” (oh how groovy and how irreverent toward the establishment, Dick!), Branson lectures us on how “gaaauuustly” it was for Canada to not support Kyoto. 

Click to watch the video report

This, from the man who made countless billions of dollars with his Virgin Airways and its many passenger airliners jetting vacationers around, and in the process, emitting more pollution and greenhouse gasses into our Earth’s atmosphere than most any other man-made thing on the face of the Earth. He actually made a profit on polluting our planet.  But that’s NOT “gaaauuustly”We are!

Presuming to speak for all of us, he then informs us:  We’ve had a great party, and the party is nearly over.  We’re going to destroy our world for our children and their children.” 

Are we now. 

Speak for yourself, Bucky McGreen. I haven’t been partying much. Not like you know-it-all jet-setters flying around in your jets and making billions in the process. 

He could literally be described as one of the biggest contributors of pollution and greenhouse gasses on the face of the Earth in the history of the world.

So I guess I’d dress up like a smelly 1960’s save-the-Earth hippy and globe-trot (by jet!) and embark on all manner of public relations too, if I were him.  I applaud him on many levels—all of us good people seek redemption at some point in our lives.  Some will have to do more than others to earn it.

There now. 

Today, Branson is touting a new commercial space adventure vehicle and service. 

image His new fabu-jet utilizes four high-powered haYUGE carbon footprint jet engines fueled by the same jet fuel that fuels his airline’s jets that take people to vacation spots—just fer fun—and also a rather large rocket engine which clearly would spew so much greenhouse gas that in my non-scientific but spot-on opinion, one blast from it would surpass all the nasty carbon and smog emitted by countless thousands of cars in a year.  All for fun.  And his personal profit.

It’s not solar-powered.  But luckily, as the liberals’ Toronto Star reports in a gushing and excited report, forgetting its “progressive” anti-man-made global warming pedigree for now, “Passengers, initially paying $200,000 for the privilege, will experience about four 1/2 minutes of weightlessness and a stellar view of Earth.”  Oh thank God.  A stellar view!  Phew.  It’s worth it then. 

And that “man-made global warming crisis emergency”, which is, we’re repeatedly told by the likes of the above noted Bucky McGreen, “the biggest damned crisis the world has ever known and it’s all caused by man”?  Well golly it can wait another 4 1/2 minutes… plus the time it takes Branson to drive his Land Rover to the bank to deposit the millions of dollars of fabu-cash.

Don’t worry—it’s all OK because he has a massive campaign instructing us common-folk to turn off our paltry lights in our tiny homes; turn down our thermostats; and put on a nice wool sweater to stay warm. 


Joel Johannesen
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