Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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PTBC columnist, a conservative professor in a militantly liberal academia, fights back—in court

I’ve read lots of official legal complaints filed before various courts before, but I don’t remember reading one so interesting and, well, almost amusing.  And rarely is there such a constant refrain of “slam dunk” running through my head. 

Dr. Mike Adams The lawsuit is being brought by none other than our conservative (—with bite!) columnist Dr. Mike Adams (the professor I always wish I had), against the university he teaches at—the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.

Mike Adams writes one of the best columns around, and the many of you who are addicted to his column will already be fairly familiar with what has led to this very lawsuit. 

It appears to me to be a case of abject academic and professional bias—and a hideous abrogation of constitutional rights—against Mike Adams, who was denied promotion to full tenured professorship and faced harassment by his superiors at UNC-Wilmington allegedly because of his religious beliefs and conservative political viewpoint. 

Liberals in academia (liberals and far-leftists now totally dominate academia in Canada and America) will stop at nothing to impede—to totally silence if possible—outspoken conservatives and Christians in academia, in order to make it easier for the promulgation of their totally biased, liberal-leftist, sometimes outright Marxist, and often abjectly feminist, often militantly atheist… world view to our youth.  And it has to stop.  Indeed, given his extremely popular conservative outspokenness and fame, Mike Adams may not have even been hired to teach when he was hired, had he been an outspoken conservative and Christian as he now is, instead of the atheist and liberal that he was at the time he was hired.  So take heed, liberals in academia both in America and in Canada: the full weight of the law, and mighty powerful and popular wordsmiths, are rising up to fight back for what’s right. 

And I, for one, will be there to help any way I can.  I implore others to join.

Read the legal document here (PDF file. Get Adobe Reader here if you need it)—as I said, it will surprise you in its intrigue.  It’s great reading!  It will take you a good while to read it (20 minutes?), but you’ll learn a lot and you’ll be entertained throughout.

And as always, Mike Adams’ columns can be found right here, proudly, at PTBC

Mike Adams’ fans, and fans of free speech and of fighting back against liberals who are attempting to shut conservatives up and keep them out of the public consciousness and to generally silence them: you might want to do as I did and make a small contribution to the Alliance Defence Fund in the U.S., which is supporting Mike Adams’ legal battle.  If you choose to do so, use their form’s street address line 2 to make this note:  “**NOTE** Canadian address; state and zip wrong”; and in the state and zip code boxes simply put any state and appropriate 5-number zip code.  Clearly they aren’t accustomed to receiving Canadian contributions and so they have no option for Canadian provinces and postal codes.

Joel Johannesen
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