Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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“Progressives” broke the rodeo’s back. Broke. Back.

Another of the very last bastions of western tradition are being broke-backed by liberals, again, in their ongoing drive to politically-correct and “progressive” everything for us.  Liberals know better. They’re “progressives”! 

In Cloverdale, British Columbia—a province where the work of the “progressives” is in full swing (and I use the word “swing” advisedly), members who have been elected to an exquisitely modern and trendy rodeo “executive board”, who call their latest move “progressive”, canceled roping events at their famous (well, now famous for another reason) rodeo, following the euthanizing of a calf, which would have grown up to be hamburger meat for most of us and leather whips and Steak Tartare and Steak Au Poivre for liberals. 

Cows, while they’re alive (and liberals aren’t hungry or feeling sexy), are humans.  In fact we’re here to serve them.  It’s MEXICANS who are here to serve us.  That’s how liberals think. 

A “progressive”, activist group calling itself “Liberation B.C.” (ooh! Liberation for… bovines!), which protested at Saturday’s auspicious bovine roping event with other urban fashionable left-wing animal rights and equality advocates, feminists, peaceniks, and hippies, welcomed the decision.  Its spokes“person”, Mizzz Joanne Chang, said “That is just fantastic! … Those events are very cruel!”  Thanks Chang. Women growing armpit hairs is very cruel too, but I don’t hear you complaining about that, nor, say, abortion, in which unborn human fetuses are allowed to be roped (and stabbed, and crushed, and decapitated, etc.). 

The executive director of the Vancouver Humane Society, Mizzzzz Debra Probert, is excited by the broke back decision. Her “progressive” opinion is that the four roping events are “explicitly cruel and that there’s no place for them in a progressive society.  And as I understand it, there’s also no place for “men” in her “progressive society”, which we apparently are, according to her off-handed, leftist dictum.   

The mayor, Dianne Watts, said “When the calf had to be put down this past weekend, it was strongly felt that we could no longer wait for [the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association] to make a decision — that we needed to take a progressive stand and take things into our own hands.”  She left out: End the class struggle between animals and humans!  We’re all the same! And um Canada is also a vegan society!  Watch CBC!

The mayor would know about taking things out of the hands of plain folks—many of whom are stupid old cowboys in that city—and transferring it to self-anointed elites and politically-correct liberal minions and their trendy bureaucrats. 

Next year, the Cloverdale Rodeo might do better to combine its activities with Gay Pride Week, fashion week, the knitting festival, embroidery week, and the Calgary Stampede.  And end with a damn fine anti-war rally. 

Rodeos are officially banned in San Francisco.  Seriously.  ‘Nuff said.

Joel Johannesen
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