He didn’t likely know that the winner was to be, not ironically, Stéphane Dion, a member of the old guard—a Liberal from the past rather than the future. But Jean Chrétien, in a speech last night prior to the announcement of the winner of the leadership race, in what I’m always going to remember as being his “little-boy speech”, reminded us about the real face of liberalism today in Canada. It’s exactly like the old face, actually. And it’s ugly.
Refusing to give up their sordid past, Chrétien, who seems to have officially ignobly positioned himself as nothing but another leftist anti-American political hack in the Michael Moore mold, rather than a dignified elder statesman of our country, launched into an intellectually dishonest, immature, childish, pathologically insecure and petulant speech insulting his hated opponents, and he literally mimicked a dumb, angry little boy.
He asked in broken English, “Stephen, can I call you Steve, like George W.?” Most reasonable people—particularly a past Prime Minister of my country, would choose to employ a modicum of respect on the national stage, in front of a national television audience which will also be viewed by Americans, and call him “President Bush”, and “Mr. Prime Minister” or “Prime Minister Harper”. And most respectful, mature, patriotic and proud Canadian folks would not seek to denigrate not only our current Prime Minister, but our nation as a whole like that.
But it’s Jean Chrétien, and the old Liberal Party we’re talking about here.
Even as the vast and clearly understaffed hypocritical division of the Liberal Party hired the infamous shrieking American Howard Dean of the far-leftist Michael Moore-esque ranks of the American-style Democratic Party as the one man on earth who could open their Liberal Party of Canada convention with the official keynote address (and they did that without a shred of irony or embarrassment or even passing criticism from the liberal media), they denounce the sitting President of the United States and attempt to demean and marginalize him not unlike the most asinine, immature bloggers of the far-left smear sites and blogs do every day. And as if that wouldn’t be sick, petulant, and unpatriotic enough, in so doing, Chrétien purposely marginalized our whole country on national television—not just their intended other victim, our sitting Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, to whom they demonstrate nothing but abject, undignified contempt, democracy notwithstanding.
And for that the state-run CBC division of the Liberal Party writes today at their taxpayer-funded CBC.ca web site that those words were among the “most clever”. They explained of their hero Chrétien that he:
…uncorked arguably the most direct and clever jabs at Harper of the entire convention.
In other smears, he alleged that our Prime Minister had to sheepishly ambush the President of China outside a bathroom stall in order to be able to speak to him at the APEC meeting last month, like a common dumb-ass. Go team Canada!
This was a former Prime Minister, my Prime Minister, talking crap about our country’s current Prime Minister, and about our best friend and neighbor and ally, the current President of the United States. And he did this simply to garner cheap applause which, in fact (to the detriment of all liberals across Canada and of all Canadians in effect), it succeeded in doing, sadly. The state-run media gleefully described it as “rapturous applause”. Personally, when I heard him speak, I sunk in my chair.
Liberals would have made a grand, vote-getting statement—and a fresh start on the right foot—by booing the bejeezus out of Chrétien (the official new state ass, apparently) over those remarks, and forcing an embarrassment-laden, immediate apology right on the spot. That’d be standing up for Canada and refusing to allow the negatives of the past to negate any chance of a fresh positive start and a better future not just for the Liberal Party but for Canada. But they chose “rapturous applause” and adulation over those “clever” remarks, instead.
“Progressive” my arse.
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