Thursday, May 16, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Inuit elders (“and environmentalists”) fly to Ottawa in jets to warn about global warming

I can only presume that the officially


and always credible-sounding and appealing to the emotions Inuit “elders” arrived in Ottawa from the frozen (—whoops—melted!) north in high-powered jet aircraft carrying few people besides them and their weighty briefs. 

If so, they’ve already lost me as a supporter, naturally, because it would be just too illogical to support their flying down to Ottawa in jet aircraft in this technological age to lecture us on state-run news agency TV—an agency which uses my cash to buy fancy TV cameras for their use there in the frozen (damn I mean melted) north.

If not —if they walked or arrived riding musk ox, as they prefer we all do starting in the year 2007, I’d love to hear their proposals aside from the liberal-left’s proven dismal failure of a plan which is called “Kyoto”. 

Unfortunately he didn’t have any ideas like that.  Just a bunch of talk at me.  So either way, it’s a utter waste on a thousand levels. 

Then the state-employed news agency CBC Newsworld “anchor” (and I use the term “anchor” advisedly but it could be replaced with dead weight) Nancy (“very interesting!”) Wilson debated a representative from the evil evil Satan-like petroleum industry (they’z from Alberta—yuck!), whose member-firms supply energy needs for the Wilson-mobile —no doubt an automobile which burns gas faster than she emits it from her own mouth (and bum!) —which we as taxpayers no doubt pay for on top of her salary.  And we even pay for the very medium through which she and them are delivering their message to us, which is powered by some kind of energy—electricity I think. (They have not offered to shut up for six days a week to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as far as I know.  Correct me if I’m wrong.)

Apparently nobody from the scientific community which thinks the man-made global warming and Kyoto Accord is total or even partial BUNK was invited, as was nobody from the Fraser Institute, or from the best example of all, President George Bush’s United States, where they are doing much, much better at reducing the increase in greenhouse gas emissions (and they’re doing so outside of the stupid Kyoto Accord), than we are in Canada under the liberal-left’s insane attempt at adherence to it.  This is an object lesson in agenda-driven leftist media, but at least it burned tons of fuel to produce it. 

I should go now because I left my car running outside while writing this so the windshield would defog before I go out and mow my lawn for the third time this week.

Joel Johannesen
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