Don’t forget to check out the latest columns in the Columnist section. Ann Coulter’s is just posted, and there’s two today from Barbara Kay. And don’t forget to send them to your friends using the link below wach column.
Here’s some of the many columns added this week, so far:
Ann Coulter
Top Secret Interview Exposed!
It was nice to see the New York Times commemorating Independence Day this week with a tribute to its favorite Revolutionary War hero, Benedict Arnold. Times editor Bill Keller spent the day attending Revolutionary War battle re-enactments, where he passed the Continental Army’s secret battle plans to the British.
This week I plan to reveal my own top secret information: an interview I did with the New York Post the week my current No.…
Barbara Kay
Everything I need to know about tolerance, I learned at Lake Simcoe
Comes Canada Day and the annual glowy focus on the year’s diverse multicultural crop of new Canadians, I remember summers in the late 1940s at our Lake Simcoe cottage community north of Toronto—Balfour Beach—and the camaraderie I enjoyed at the local day camp.
Sociologically, my summers recapitulated city life: Instead of a largish brick house, a modest clapboard bungalow; instead of school, camp; instead of study, play. But in formative respects Balfour Beach was…
Jennifer Roback Morse
Crisis Pregnancy Centers: A choice, not an echo
The Abortion Lobby must be desperate. They evidently feel threatened by little old ladies who give away free baby clothes to women in crisis pregnancies. The Abortion Lobby’s latest hyperventilation calmly titled, “Crisis Pregnancy Centers: An Affront to Choice,” launches a very un-subtle, non-nuanced broadside against Crisis Pregnancy Centers.
After reading a few of the headlines of news stories, published by the Lap Dog media, dutifully…
Doug Giles
The Se7en Deadly Sins. Envy.
Number 2 on the roll of the Se7en Deadly Sins is envy. Envy is second on the Highway to Hell Sin List, as it lags behind pride a wee little bit in being the nastiest and most common vice. Primal in its poison, envy forms a big chunk of the foul compost heap that stimulates the growth for human stupidity aplenty.
Envy (like pride), is an extremely deadly sin that doesn’t get the verbal…
John Stossel
A Convenient Lie
When he was in college, atmospheric-science professor John Christy was told, “it was a certainty that by the year 2000, the world would be starving and out of energy.”
That prediction has gone the way of so many others. But environmentalists continue to warn us that we face environmental disaster if we don’t accept the economic disaster called the Kyoto treaty. Lawyers from the Natural Resources Defense Council (another environmental group with more lawyers…
Barbara Kay
Disenfranchised dads
A simple way to confirm that a particular ideology has captured mainstream culture is to monitor the political vigour or sluggishness around the causes that it deems “correct” and “incorrect.”
Gay marriage, a “correct” feminist cause, affects 2% of the population and enjoys about 50% public support—yet was passed into law at the speed of light, without meaningful consultation or debate. But decades-long appeals for reform to outdated custody laws, affecting 40% of the…
Paul Jackson
Equalization ruse
Premiers always have hands out for more welfare from Ottawa
One of the biggest political scams in our country right now must be de-mands by so-called ‘have-not’ provinces for more equalization funding.
Here’s why:
To buy a modest ‘starter’ home in Calgary will set a young couple back a minimum of $350,000, yet in picturesque Prince Edward Island, $350,000 will buy someone the equivalent of a waterfront four-bedroom mansion with…
Dennis Prager
Thank God For Moral Violence
Dennis Prager is on vacation this week—this is a column published in 2002
Let us make war on the phrase “violence doesn’t solve anything.” It is a lie, and anyone who utters it cannot be taken morally seriously.
Take, for example, the American use of violence against the Taliban. Thanks to it, Afghani women may get an education, attend public events without a male escort and otherwise ascend above their prior status…
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