One of the state-employed official opinion-makers on the multi-gazzillion-dollar state-run people’s web site (and early learning program—wink!) betrays his Marxist Harper hate-on today. Not that that’s the least bit unusual. The CBC does this daily in different ways, as I see it. (Hat tip to Dwayne)
This hateful-sounding sneering rant seems particularly desperate and hateful and direct, though, and seems to have been written by a random participant at one of those anti-everything protest marches frequented by freaks and idiots. But the blurb about the author says he knows how to write. The state informs us he is a: “Veteran journalist and Canadian political expert”. So he’s an “expert” then. He’s been with the state-run media since 1962. We better agree with him or wow—what a waste of taxpayer cash!
The state and its state-run and financed web site competes against this web site and its Columnist section, with a whole columnist section devoted to a slate of Marxist and left-of-center anti-conservative columnists, all paid for by you and me and all taxpayers. Its purpose is ostensibly to educate the Canadian public against the evils of being or thinking like a conservative, instead of just being a good Canadian Godless socialist liberal-leftist that they hope all Canadians become —and will become, they keep telling us, if only they can “progress” enough through the election of “progressives” and appointment of “progressives” to the courts, to compliment the progressives already anchoring Canada’s massive government bureaucracies, government departments, all academia, all media and the entire Canadian entertainment industry.
(They do have a “right-of-center” columnist over there that at the people’s web site, but even the CBC acknowledges that he’s merely a token non-far-leftist, inasmuch as they categorize him as “From the Right”. He’s the only one “From The Right”, out of nearly four dozen columnists who are therefore not “from the right”.)
I try to present “from the right” columnists here, at my expense, in this site’s Columnist section, to counter the state’s propaganda, which hardly seems fair, since I’m helping finance my own enemy, in addition to financing this effort. In fact that’s stupid. But citizens having to compete against their own government to one degree or another is typical of all socialist governments. It’s how they ultimately make all citizens reliant upon the state—they wear folks like me down. They try to prevent us all from bothering to try to be creative and innovative. We best shut up and suck it up.
Here are some of the daily lessons from the state-run media today, paid for by me and you:
Stephen Harper’s conservatism is new to Canadian politics. It is really a neo-conservative, social conservative government which, unlike any other Tory government, has peculiar rules it plays by.
[…] Harper’s Hayek views and his pro-American views on the economy make him a big neo-conservative indeed. As a Reformer, he was violently opposed to day-care centres because he saw them as bastions of socialism, and he believed firmly that state day care was pure socialism and therefore a violation of the Hayek credo.
[…] His law-and-order stance and his enormous respect for the military also show how little use he has for traditional Canadian liberal values.
[…] Harper’s government is far more of a neo-conservative government than the government of U.S. President George W. Bush.
[…] Harper’s pro-business, pro-military, anti-welfare and social conservative stands all add up to problems. His Canada is not the real Canada.
[…] The province does not have the hatred for the state and the fear of socialism that Harper and his neo-con Tories have.
Well we’re getting value for our money then aren’t we.
Vote liberal.
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