Monday, May 6, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Big spenders, liars, but everything is okay.

In our Columnist section today, Rebecca Hagelin continues her admonition to conservatives and specifically Republicans that spending and overspending is not only not “conservative”, it’s just wrong.  Often these things (not conservative, and wrong) go hand-in-hand.


Of course, Heritage has been warning Congress and various administrations for years that saddling our children with unfunded entitlements and robbing taxpayers to fund pork projects is financially foolish and just plain wrong. But Dr. Feulner’s message at the press conference, combined with the voices of other gallant warriors in the battle for America’s future, was gutsy. He and David Keene, president of the American Conservative Union; Pat Toomey, head of the Club for Growth, and Chuck Donovan, executive vice president of the Family Research Council, made for a fearsome foursome.

Of particular note is the presence of the nation’s largest family policy organization. The Family Research Council has traditionally focused more on family policy than on fiscal issues. But Chuck Donovan eloquently described how the government must stop making decisions that are better left to families, and that earnings are best left in the hands of the workers who earn them.

Mike Adams’ pants are apparently on fire, according to an apparently confused university president.  Nonetheless, Dr. Adams does the free world a service by fighting on against those who would otherwise filter people like him (and me, and you) out while allowing only their liberal-left speech through. This is not desirable.

His latest column is called “The Rambling Exec of Georgia Tech” but pay attention folks—it’s getting busy in Mike Adams’ world.  This column is in response to a previous one, and tomorrow he’s on it again!  The whole thing is nothing short of amazing.  Stay on top of this folks.


Wayne Clough, the President of Georgia Institute of Technology, seems to be making the same argument nearly every college administrator makes when I expose First Amendment violations at the college or university he (or she) is supposed to be running. That argument consists of five words:

“Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!”  […]

Meanwhile, we have a Guest Columnist today as well.  I read a column in the Vancouver Sun written by David Warren of the Ottawa Citizen last week and I liked it a lot.  I wrote to Mr. Warren and asked permission to post it here as a guest column and he kindly authorized that.  It’s about Holland’s multicultural madness, and Canadians are obliged to pay very close attention, because “multicultural” means THIS:


[…] It ceases to be available when—as in the Netherlands today—a large Muslim community is led by people who demand that the Dutch themselves not only tolerate Muslim ways, but make various accommodations in the name of “multiculturalism”.

Now, in the multicultural view, anything is okay, so long as it is not traditional. Gay marriage is okay, pornography is okay, public prostitution is okay, abortion and euthanasia are okay, and of course, massive immigration from non-Western societies is more than okay. Indeed, anything that tends to dissolve the traditional order of society is okay. On the other hand, any effort to preserve traditional social and family structures, and their supporting moral order, is marked as “oppressive” under proliferating “human rights codes”.  […]

Joel Johannesen
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