Monday, May 6, 2024

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Windsor Star/Canadian Press barfs liberal mendacity

In an absurd and very revealing statement of liberal media mendacity and/or ignorance, The Windsor Star prints a Canadian Press story based on a statement by the REAL Women of Canada organization which speaks to the notion that if a referendum were held, most Canadians would reject same sex “marriage”.  I agree with REAL Women—that would be the case, and it would certainly help if Canadians weren’t constantly being suckered by the liberal-left political media creeps in this country.

Rather than report on the REAL Women news release, they media story takes her up on it and actually argues against her in their “news story”.  Then of course they come up with “facts and figures” to prove her wrong, make false claims of “fact”, ignore the obvious, and ask Jack Layton for a few words just to seal it all up and make it good and Marxist.  That way, any “conservative” view seems insane and extreme.  Eureka!

Earlier this year, I wrote a column called “Absurd polling question defies Canadians to oppose gay marriage”, which shows just how it is the liberal-left media lie and set up false premises in order to advance their politically desired outcome.  They literally work fraudulently to produce a fraudulent result leaning in favor of their liberal-left political agenda.  Note that it was a poll conducted by the same outfit.  Read that column and see how this relates.

Today, the Windsor Star says this, in relation to the REAL Women contention about a gay marriage referendum:

Voters in 11 U.S. states overwhelmingly rejected same-sex unions Tuesday by adopting constitutional amendments that deny legal status to marriages between homosexual couples.

The sweeping denials ran from Bible-Belt states such as Arkansas and Georgia to more liberal-minded regions such as Oregon and Michigan.

The socially conservative shift stands in sharp contrast to Canada, where courts in six of 10 provinces have already sanctioned same-sex marriage. In a seventh, Saskatchewan, a court will rule Friday

They completely, once again, pretend that because the Supreme Courts (or any Canadian judge) has ruled in favor of gay “marriage”, that means the people want it, or that it’s “right”.  Either they’re completely ignorant or they have a political agenda and they’re acting mendaciously.  Neither option is pleasant, and the latter is downright scary.

Activist political judges in the United States also granted the wishes of the gay marriage lobby groups in the U.S.—that doesn’t mean the people agree—nor the lawmakers who represent the people.  That’s precisely why so many are up in arms about it and referendums are taking place—so that liberal activist judges won’t make laws instead of elected representatives of the people making laws.

In Canada, on difficult issues like abortion and gay “marriage”, the Liberals purposely allow the Liberal Party-appointed judges to decide on social matters, then the Paul Martinite politicians can simply claim it’s “out of their hands”—which is another outright lie—and an exceedingly scary proposition at that.  Canada and the direction it takes is “out of our hands”?

And by the way, only eleven states had a referendum on Tuesday, but there’s been no “socially conservative shift”, as they pretend.  Many other U.S. states have already held votes on the issue in the past.  Every single state has rejected gay marriage in the U.S.—not just those eleven states.  And that includes California, which held a referendum a couple of years ago.

Jack Layton, common-sense-challenged socialist leader of Canada’s extreme-left NDP, says that’s not how we do it in Canada.  I know, I know, you’d like Canada like to be led by a tyranny of the minority, Jack, but I don’t.

Joel Johannesen
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