Thursday, May 2, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Liberals: “Canadian parents too stupid to raise their own families”

They’ve now entirely given up all pretence—the farce—they don’t even pretend not to be Marxists anymore.  Incredibly ignorant and plainly Marxist Canadian liberals are setting up a government program to raise Canada’s kids so that parents won’t have to. In fact they’re encouraging families not to bother.

Being anti-family is the new tour de force being employed by liberals and the Liberal Party braintrust this year, notwithstanding the irony of the fact that it further advances the reputation of the traditional grand matriarch of the traditional Canadian family, “grandma”—or nanny as we called ours.  I’m tempted to stick my tongue out and sneer “Nah Nah!  You got a nanny-state but you hate families!” at their ironic predicament but they wouldn’t get it. 

Under the carefully focused liberal plan, stupid useless parents (that is, all parents) will be encouraged to not raise their own families, choosing instead to plug them into the new taxpayer-funded fully-universal daycare program run by the liberals and government. 

Yes, I’m talking about that same crack team—the same liberals—who do such a bang-up job running the socialist health care system such that health care in Canada is among the worst in the developed world and the most expensive, and in which it is against the law—it’s illegal—for Canadian families to spend their own money on their own basic health care, a law similar only to two other countries—Cuba and North Korea.

The same liberals and government who have run Canada’s military into the ground such that we can no longer defend even our own nation, much less aid other nations and their fight against Islamist terrorism, freedom, democracy or insurrection. 

The same liberal government that operates the state-run CBC (or “al-CBC” as I call it) and the state-censors at the CRTC, which actively prevents—bans—Fox News Channel from Canada because it’s seen as not liberal and doesn’t promote the liberal-left indoctrination as they would require to fulfill their Fabian socialist mantra which is also known in liberal circles as “Canadian Content” (and then approves Al-Jazeera or what I call “JihadTV”), all of which has built a Canadian “culture” such that nobody in Canada has a clue what in tarnation it is nor how to describe it. 

The same liberals who have successfully split Canada into Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia, and new this past week, Newfoundland; and then the rest. 

The same liberal government that promotes abortions by refusing to enact any abortion laws at all, thus allowing abortions by any woman at any age at any time of her pregnancy, for any reason at all whatsoever, and forbids counseling against it, and all paid for by all taxpayers, even in private abortion clinics which are suddenly perfectly acceptable to the socialist liberals who demand a fully public system but who offer no explanation as to this or any other farcical hypocrisy.

And the same Liberal Party and liberal-leftists that promote gay and cross-dresser and transvestite marriages to help dilute the traditional family unit as the very most fundamental basis of our nation.

The same liberal government who, as among their first acts of parliament this year, tabled a bill easing-up on the pot-smoking laws thereby making it easier for Canadian kids to get high on drugs.  They’re going to run the daycare program for your kids now. 

The same liberal government who created the biggest government corruption scandal in the history of our nation—the “sponsorship” scandal now being scrutinized by a commission of inquiry that will take a full year, and which is under dozens of criminal investigations currently by federal RCMP.

The political party of Jean Chretien.  Sheila Copps.  Carolyn Parrish.  Hedy Fry.  Paul Martin.  Bono.  Michael Moore.  The same party now being propped-up and fully supported by the even more leftist party of Svend Robinson, the left “ring” nut. 

With the coming national socialist government daycare program, the liberals in Canada are continuing their attempts to dismantle and minimize the traditional Canadian family unit.  And of course they’re ensuring that still more people get on another social program thus ensuring a steady supply for generations to come.  “Get ‘em young and get ‘em good” is a slogan surely being considered, as the liberals see young children as a political crop to grow and be harvested, unlike babies in the womb which they simply prematurely harvest in the interest of convenience. 

Question:  Is there anyone left in Canada who ISN’T on some form of government social program or working for a government or some agency of a government, or working for a company that gets corporate welfare or which totally relies on some kind of government support?  Especially after this program which lassos even the kiddies into the government fold? 

Question #2:  Was the Soviet Union ever this socialist?  Even up to the day they collapsed when Ronald Reagan won the cold war? 

This program is expected to cost perhaps twelve billion dollars per year (though much like their “$2 million gun registry” which ended up costing $1 BILLION dollars, they claim it will cost $1 billion per year)—of taxpayer money—and of course that’s all taxpayers no matter how many children the already overburdened Canadian taxpayers have; or have had but already raised them themselves like the overly responsible value-laden idiots they are; or even whether or not they have any kids; and no matter how much money the taxpaying parents have to spend on their daycare needs.

Full-out Marxist Ken Dryden, Liberal left-winger, who is the Liberal Minister of Social Services (or as it’s more properly known, Social Services and Anti-Family Liberal-Left Indoctrination), the ministry which is arguably the liberals’ favorite ministry because it has the words “social services” in it, said in a CFRA radio interview: “What we’re looking for is a national system which in time will be like the national education system and the national health care system.”

—Author allowing time for the laughter, or weeping, to subside—

But then the real liberal mantra started oozing like goo out of his squishy brain:  He went on to liken raising your own child at home—he directly compared it—to not sending your child to a hospital when it’s sick, and to not sending your child to school when it’s of school age.  That’s what he said.

Did Ken Dryden take one too many pucks to the skull? 

Raising your own family at home instead of letting the liberal government do it is seen by Dryden as shameful and irresponsible—comparable to chancing it and treating your own sick child at home with some kind of wacky voodoo home remedy.  I wonder what grandma Dryden and little Kenny’s mommy thinks of the all-grown-up Mr. Mom now.

So now that raising your own family is seen by liberals as a wacky voodoo thing, watch for it in their next election campaign:  “Conservatives actually expect you to raise your own dang family!  Extremists!  Right-Wingers!  Pro-family cowboys! Hidden Agenda includes expecting people to get a job and not smoke pot!  Haliburton!  Vote Liberal!  Or NDP—either way—anything but those wackos!”

“It’s your choice”, he allowed, being the benevolent Patriarch of Social Services that he is. Thanks, Mr. Mom.  But he had already warned us when he oozed his opinion and compared raising your own family at home (like a freaky conservative extremist parent), to not tending to a sick child with doctors and hospital and instead risking the child’s health and doing it yourself at home—he was coming from a place that only liberals understand.

Even if you are a Marxist, what about a little Marxist fairness?  Communists are all about equality—well at least among the non-government-types like you and me (note that Fox News Channel is available in—and only in—the Parliament buildings, and that liberal cabinet ministers are perfectly entitled to use private medical facilities at taxpayer expense so they don’t have to bother waiting in line with the filthy citizens). 

Where are the feminists on this? The “civil libertarians”, the unionists, the NDP—all those who always harp about equality and “fairness”?  How about the gays? Transvestites should get “equal treatment”, but traditional moms and pops should not?  Why do parents who send their kids to government daycare get preferential treatment?  Why do they get taxpayer dollars and stay-at-home parents don’t?  Are traditional parents and what they do not as worthy, or as expensive? 

How is this not anti-family? 

What on earth is suddenly wrong with raising your own family?  Why do all liberals think that families are best raised by liberal government programs instead of by parents?  Shouldn’t parents raising families be among the very most important priorities for Canada and most desirable option for all Canadian families?  Do they think Canadian parents are stupid?  Incapable?  Not socialist enough?  Are liberals afraid that normal parents might raise kids to be “objective” and be raised with good “faith-based values” or even “non-liberal-left values” instead of ungodly liberal-left values?  Are they afraid that “conservative values” might leak out, unchecked?  I suspect that they do.

This is what’s important to all liberals:  that kids growing up in their Canada vote Liberal after they go to the trouble of fully indoctrinating them by their liberal-left government indoctrination complex starting at the age of three.  Perhaps by discouraging families and encouraging abortions, they think they will be able to keep costs down moving forward. 

Here’s some pro-family resources:

  • REAL Women—they’re urging citizens to write letters and they supply addresses.

  •—they’re strong advocates of families and family values (the non-liberal extremist freaks) and it is one of my favorite web sites.

  • Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation—suggests a tax credit instead, much like Conservative Party platform.

  • Conservative Party of Canada—they have a better more fair way which encourages “families”, rather than attempting to dismantle families as the Liberals are trying to do.

    By Joel Johannesen

    This editorial is posted at  Here is the exact link to the editorial:

    Joel Johannesen
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