Friday, May 3, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Hollywood liberals sink in New Orleans during photo-op

He brought an “entourage”?  And a photographer??

It’s awfully nice of Sean Penn to try to help, and I suppose he had mostly good intentions, but this is Reason Number 94 why Hollywood liberals with inflated egos should stay out of the way and actually help like the rest of us, instead of using horrendous crises to boost their egos and shine the spotlight on themselves, creating havok and endangering the lives of people in the process—all for their own ego and their politics.

Sean Penn’s rescue boat springs a leak, loses power

The Daily Telegraph [via National Post]
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

An attempt by Sean Penn, the outspoken Hollywood actor, to stage a personal mission to help victims of Hurricane Katrina descended into farce when his rescue boat sprang a leak. The activist star headed to New Orleans with a photographer and entourage to rescue stranded victims clinging to roofs and attics in the wake of the deadly storm. But he and his crew apparently forgot to plug a hole in the bottom of his small vessel which began to take in water almost immediately after launching. Reports said the 45-year-old Oscar winner was seen frantically bailing water from the boat with a red plastic cup. When the boat’s motor failed to start, those aboard were forced to use paddles to propel themselves down the flooded street.

I understand he actually ended up helping people and that’s good.  But I personally wouldn’t have brought an entourage and a photographer, so why did he?

Meanwhile, in other stories of Hollywoodies trying to help:

John Travolta and his wife, actress Kelly Preston, flew in their own private jet yesterday to deliver five tonnes of food for victims of Hurricane Katrina.  The two movie stars also brought along 400 doses of tetanus vaccines for rescuers. The star of Saturday Night Fever and Pulp Fiction told Agence France-Presse he was co-ordinating with Oprah Winfrey to get even more relief for the more than one million people affected by one of the worst storms in U.S. history. “That’s our job today,” he said. “We’re hoping this time we’re effective.”


And Celine Dion, a great singer who very generously donated a million dollars of cold hard American cash to the cause, which she earned from her huge Las Vegas show contract (she lives in Las Vegas now), totally loses it on CNN’s Larry King Live, during a long drawn-out rant about how terrible she thought the rescue mission was going, seemingly on purpose if I read her right, or at least as a direct result of the Americans going oversees to “kill people”… or something.  Larry just let her go on, and on, and on, baiting her with more pokey little questions to go on still more and more.

“How come it’s so easy to send planes in another country to kill everyone in a second, to destroy lives?” Dion said in an angry reference to the US-led war in Iraq.

Because it is, Ms. Dion.  Physics, I guess.  Ask al Qaeda how they did it.  But thanks for that little tidbit of wisdom.  Now run along.  Or run for office—whatever.  Watch the video here.

Joel Johannesen
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