Thursday, May 16, 2024

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Why do liberals hate Canada? Discuss.

I always enjoy Lorrie Goldstein’s column in the good Toronto Sun (Sun Media).

Today he asks:  “Why do liberals hate Canada?” And answers: “Because they see racists everywhere”.  And that is certainly true but I know a lot more reasons they hate Canada and I talk about them all the time.  Clearly, Lorrie Goldstein doesn’t read my blog. 

I put his column from today through my chop-shop just to get the nectar out (but read the whole thing—it’s really good):

Today I am going to prove to you that liberals hate Canada.

[…] The way Radwanski [National Post columnist] sees it, whenever conservatives lose a political debate—such as same-sex marriage—they dump on Canada, which is one reason why voters don’t trust them. He also argues Conservative Leader Stephen Harper didn’t like Canada much when he was head of the National Citizens Coalition.

[…] This is an old liberal trick. Liberals always accuse conservatives of having sinister motives. You know, Harper has a “hidden agenda.” the Canadian right wants “American-style, two-tier health care” and now, conservatives hate Canada.

[…] That’s why I will now redefine this debate by proving to you that it is liberals (and Liberals) who hate Canada with a passion.

Liberals hate Canada because they see it as a dark and evil place where there are Nazis, Klansmen, Holocaust deniers, bigots and racists hiding behind every tree. Liberals worry that Canada is ready to go medieval on them the second they turn their backs.

[…] Liberals see racists. Everywhere. And how could anyone love a country like that?

No wonder they hate the place.

Here’s some more reasons: 

  • The see homophobes everywhere—or at least they pretend to.  They don’t really think Canadians who stand up and protect traditional families and marriage are “homophobes”, but they’ve been taught by our ever-so-honorable liberal-left government and their liberal-friendly ad firms that that “works” on the stupid people (the “stupid people” being “Canadians”).

  • They constantly seek to change our Canada because nothing is right.  Even the very most basic fundamental institutions must be changed—the definition of family and marriage for example.  Not just the definition, the laws and the culture surrounding it all.  They hated it the way Canada was!  And do you think they’re now all done?  Job over?  No—lots more to do.  You can only imagine. 

  • What kind of people would relax laws such that kids could more easily get high on drugs by smoking pot in the streets?  And to legalize prostitution in our country?  You’d have to literally hate this country—I mean I see this as something a government that has been infiltrated by evil terrorists would do in order to purposely wreck the place—not to give them any ideas.

  • Our liberal-left governments (provincial and federal) don’t even remotely trust Canadians.  If you don’t trust people, you can’t love them.  For example, they think Canadian parents are too stupid to arrange for, or in some good way raise our own children on our own without the aid of the government and their new state-run nationalized daycare (and “early learning” —wink!) centers.  Because parents are too stupid.  And only in North Korea and Cuba do they believe that they know better than the lowly citizens how to best look after their own basic healthcare and that of their families.  Yes, only in those two countries do they, as they do in Canada—- ban citizens from spending their own money on their own basic healthcare needs.  Ban it.  Because we’re too stupid.  You’d have to hate people to think they’re that stupid.  And you’d have to hate them to literally make them wait in pain or even die, waiting for their stupid, ideologically-driven, socialist healthcare system- – which they try at every turn to prevent anyone from changing for the better. 

  • What kind of people would steal money from taxpayers and hoodwink us and spend it advertising themselves and on building their own power-base to steal power, and then lie constantly about it?  “Adscam” or “sponsorship” was only a lightening rod—a hint.  Imagine what we don’t know.  And you’d have to hate Canada to treat it and its people this way.

  • What kind of people would purposely allow our national defences to be treasonously degraded to the point where we cannot even defend our own borders any longer, according to top military experts? And refuse to join in a national defence mechanism with our powerful neighbour on purely ideological grounds? 

    And there’s much more.

    Tell me they love this country!  I need a good laugh!

    Joel Johannesen
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