Monday, May 13, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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You were expecting a photo of a hottie? 

No.  Today we’re getting a new furnace at the PTBC world headquarters.  Apparently 35 years was asking too much for our old model, which simply stopped heating and flipped us the big one.  And baby, it’s cold in here, and it has been all week. 

The BC Energy Auditor apparently works in cahoots with the federal “eco-Energy” division, which is itself a division of the “ecoAction Initiative”.  It’s an “initiative!”  Hey isn’t the CBC an “initiative” too?

The new furnace is a “high efficiency” model, for which there is a fabulous provincial government rebate program in place.  It’s fantastic.  Here’s how it works:  in order to qualify for the $770 rebate (calculated to be just exactly $770 and not $765!), I have to pay a provincial inspector dude (or, hopefully, a hottie dudette) $300 to do a home inspection so that he or she can recommend, for example, that I get additional insulation in the PTBC world headquarters’ attic.  They presume in advance, for me, that I had no idea that more insulation means saving energy.  Click here for more information.  It’s great.

Now bare in mind that I don’t actually have to get more insulation, the guy or gal will simply recommend more.  This measure, if I understand correctly, will stop the “man-made global warming” — which if we fail, (again, if I understand correctly) would make my new furnace redundant and moot, as the man-made global warmth would provide free heat energy thus saving all that gas and electricity that powers my then-useless furnace.  I think this is how it works.  It’s a bit circular and literally begs the question, but there you go.

Luckily, at the government’s hip web site, they provide pictures of the “BC Energy Auditor” — at least I think that’s him (as seen at left) squatting there at the side of the web site (possibly because he’s lacking energy!); and a picture of what they seem to purport to be a BC Energy phone answering gal (pictured at right).  See you can tell because she’s wearing a phone-answering headset gizmo.  Notice all sales-related web site have an almost identical photo of a “customer service” gal wearing one of those fancy headsets? Anyway these two both look like hotties (note that this is a total guess on my part re the dude, as I naturally have no idea what hot dudes look like). 

At least there’s no pictures of David Suzuki.  If there were, I’d nix the rebate idea and just go on living.

The two fellas that the furnace company I hired sent over to install the new furnace work for a private company (I’d provide pictures, but taking their pictures might result in a “human rights” violation or something).  So that’s weird isn’t it?  I mean how they trust the private sector — possibly non-union — to do this potentially dangerous and environmentally sensitive work, when they have provincial “energy auditors” and other highly skilled provincial government employee union folk doing the other stuff?  At least the installers had to get government certified, licensed, and were probably inspected prior to getting their jobs, and they had to get me two government permits to do the work at my house, each costing a good chunk of my cash.  And then there’s that $300 fee to get my PTBC world headquarters checked out for insulation, plus all the HST (taxes).  So they all benefit almost as much as me from my new furnace. 

Yay.  Spread the wealth. (Whenever I say “wealth” at my house, my wife giggles!)

Anyway, with a warmer PTBC world headquarters, I may be able to type faster and more accurately. So watch for that new efficiency soon! 


And for you guys, here’s a picture of a hottie, since you’ve been so patient:


Joel Johannesen
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