Monday, May 6, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Liberals & You’ve Got To Be Kidding party: Next year, we’ll vote to register every. single. thing.

The big nanny-state progressives on the Left, who are in favor of bigger, even more huge governments taking even more control over every aspect of all of your lives starting from your life before your birth (by which they’ll force taxpayers to pay to end it through an abortion, whether you like it or not, and I’ll go ahead guess you’d vote “no” if you were the baby); and continuing through to your death and beyond by taxing all your assets, again, after you die, have sworn to keep up their government control fetish, today. 

Don’t worry though, because this long gun registry thing, which is set up exclusively for innocent law-abiding Canadians, is the very last thing they will regulate and control and last item of yours they’ll force you to register.  Just kidding!  It’s the last thing this week.  Next week, it’s chocolate milk

The Liberals, bless their poor party-controlled hearts and minds, were all forced by Liberal Party bosses to vote to keep the government long-gun control registry bureaucracy in place today.  It didn’t matter what they or their constituents think about it, and we know what the constituents think, because easily-available (except at the CBC) scientific polling indicates that more Canadians are in favor of scrapping the registry than keeping it.  So once your heart and mind is being controlled by somebody else, like, say, government or Party bosses, you don’t really have to think for yourself.  Hey!  That’s a funny coincidence, isn’t it! 

The even more progressive and more hideous you’ve got to be kidding party, a purely socialist party but with what I’m sure are full-on Marxist and Maoist communists within their ranks, took no position on it (wink!), except that some MPs who favored scrapping it —like most Canadians wanted them to do —were very strongly encouraged (some would say “strong-armed”) by their party bosses, and in desperate cases, phone-called by such far-left socialist luminaries as failed former you’ve got to be kidding party leaders Ed Broadbent and Audrey McLaughlin.  McLaughlin’s most recent job was as President of a group called the Socialist International Women.  You go girl. 

It all reminded me of an actual Liberal Party ad from several campaigns ago, when they were trying to strike absolute fear into the hearts and minds of Canadians by pretending, by the use of a handgun, that the Conservatives were going to cause you to die, or something.  (Maybe warning you to vote for them or else?  I do not know.)  They depicted a handgun being pointed at you and your family.  Then, using one video frame to make it too difficult to actually see except subconsciously (how honest!) — and otherwise only by the likes of me who analyzed it carefully using extreme slo-mo video software — they depicted the gun being fired at you and your family.

Liberals aiming a handgun at you and your kids — and then firing it.
For politics.


THAT’s what they think of you and your family.  You’re stupid and need to be registered.

In related news, progressives and left-wing control freaks in Florida’s state government are set to ban chocolate milk in schools, citing the inherent danger of, you know, the chocolate, especially in light of the government not controlling it, and the fear of leaving it up to parents to raise their own children.  Besides, they are trying to get the kids to learn (“early learning”, if you will —wink!) to not think for themselves.  To not have to worry about making the right choices.  The government will do it for them.  Lesson learned? 

Liberals there attempted to enact a compromise bill, regulating chocolate through a chocolate registry, which they said would at least enable lawmakers to keep tabs on the chocolate, lest it kill the kids, and yet still enable them to tax it and take it away from the parents if they don’t do it right.  See it’s for the kids

Florida May Ban Chocolate Milk From Schools

One of kids

Joel Johannesen
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