Thursday, May 2, 2024

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WHOM should we fear? “Evangelicals”? No. Intolerant LIBERALS.

The liberal Vancouver Sun newspaper’s liberal-left columnist Daphne Bramham begins her ever so tolerant and inclusive column (June 2, 2010) with this headline and sub-head:

Didn’t Harper’s mother warn him?
A new book looks at some of the evangelicals who have the PM’s ear, and finds reasons to worry

Is there something inherently wrong with evangelicals?  I mean why “worry”? 

She opens like this, extending the warning — the “reasons” for which she now clearly agrees:

Beware the company you keep; people judge you by your friends. Most children hear some version of that from their parents.

Maybe it’s not something Stephen Harper’s parents said or perhaps our prime minister simply didn’t listen.

I say that because some people with ready access to him and his government are more than a bit off the mainstream.

“A bit off the mainstream” you say.  Well how shocking for a Prime Minister of a country so diverse and multi-everything of race, creed, color, and language, and even “every” sex and non-descript-sex and parentage, such that we don’t even have a “Canadian identity” that anyone in Canada can credibly describe.  And how revealing of the lack of understanding of her own country, despite being a “mainstream” media columnist (I don’t believe for a minute that the Vancouver Sun is “mainstream”, nor, certainly, is she).

Bramham then goes on, as Marci McDonald does in her bigoted anti-Christian and anti-conservative and anti-researched book, “warning” Canadians about the Christians and Conservatives and conservatives in our midst (it’s a bad thing, ya see!) — and conflates the good Joseph Ben-Ami — a Jew — with (and this is the next line after the one about Joseph Ben-Ami): “Other powerful Christians in the capital”, which “include…” other named people who we should, if I understand correctly, “worry” about. 

These people aren’t anti-Christian or anti-conservative —they’re anti-sense.

The penultimate question in Bramham’s ridiculous book review/column strikes me as the exact same kind of warning — in tone and in words — that the author Marci MacDonald uses in her book:

Of course, Harper leads a minority government. Is it that which keeps him and the theo-cons in check? Or, is Harper himself a social moderate?

Only if the Conservatives win a majority will Canadians know the answer.

Is it important for the Prime Minister of Canada to “keep the theo-cons in check”?  Who even asks that kind of question?  Somebody who is neutral on — or tolerant of — Christians and conservatives?  Not likely.

But moreover, and apart from keeping any legitimate segment of our society “in check” as if we live in Iran, it is clear that the word “theo-cons” is meant to be at least as derisive and insulting as “neo-cons” —a favorite term used mostly by idiot left-wing bloggers and like-minded progressive (but ever so inclusive!) MPs in Parliament, the media, and by the teachers in our schools —and more so.  It is of course not a neutral political, religious, or even journalistic term, but rather it’s one which was designed by haters, I would suggest, to be about as dismissive, as derisive, and as insulting as possible to Christians and conservatives, and by extension, to Canadians in general, without your having to be scolded by your liberal editor or publisher — or being brought before a “human rights” tribunal by a great many Canadians.  But here Bramham uses it herself, not in quotes mind you.  Just right out there in her own words.  Sadly, but revealingly, this insulting of Christians and conservatives is nothing short of sport these days, among the liberal-left media and politicians (et al), and it’s therefore increasingly accepted among not just the atheist and liberals and progressives and socialists and other far-left fundamentalists who work in media and academia today, but by all.  Marginalizing those you hate or oppose is an age-old tactic. 

Bramham concludes by almost literally admitting, it seems to me, that she thinks Christians (and, um, Jews) who are supposedly “more than a bit out of the mainstream” (according to Her Tolerance and Mother Tolerance, Marci McDonald) are to be suspect, and she betrays a real lack of understanding (once again) of Conservatives — and conservatives and, for that matter, Canadians. 

She wrongly concludes: 

And that’s why McDonald’s book has hit such a nerve among Conservatives.

Too many people may now judge him by the company he keeps.

Actually it’s his job.  If Prime Ministers (in Canada, anyway) didn’t “keep” that “company” —and any company that seeks an audience with them, that PM would be accused — by the likes of her — of being intolerant, non-inclusive, and elitist, and prejudiced bigots.  Weird, huh?  Now go ahead and judge Barack Obama, who asked to be judged by the company he keeps, and who appointed multiple socialists, more than a couple of admitted communists and Marxists, and Goldman Sachs employees to his administration.  And then judge me and other conservatives for daring to call him a socialist.  And a hypocrite.  Based on the company he actually appointed and officially relies on.

And actually, Bramham and MacDonald, your own warnings help prove that Conservatives are really quite tolerant of other people —even those “more than a bit out of the mainstream” — including even Christians. 

But the book has “hit a nerve” (to the extent that it has, which is nominal) more because it has shown the “mainstream” media to be “more than a bit” anti-Christian, anti-conservative, intolerant, and in a word, bigots, many of whom want nothing to do with the sacred multi-culti “inclusiveness” they keep yammering on about;  And because they’re overtly promoting MacDonald’s book and the “warnings” contained therein, instead of critically analyzing it and therefore blasting it as the bigoted tome that I think it is —unlike what they would do, reflexively, if it were, say, anti-gay, or anti-Muslim, or pro-life, or anti-“man-made global warming”, or anti-progressive, or anti-media.  That concerns not just Conservatives, but a great many Canadians.

And by the way:  the Prime Minister of Canada should not mix with those who aren’t well within the mainstream?  If you think that, as Bramham and McDonald apparently do, then you’re not even a liberal.  And then, if so, YOU are what we have to fear in this country.  YOU.

Joel Johannesen
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