Saturday, May 4, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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The state-owned CBC has cleared itself: Globe and Mail’s Jane Taber is on it: reports the good news.

The CBC has wrapped up its intense investigation of itself over a formal complaint filed against it by Conservatives, by once again excusing itself, and instead labeling Conservatives as “paranoid-tinged” “Tories”.  They’re not the least bit biased, see.  No.  Not the CBC.  It’s the rest of us who are biased.  “Paranoid”!  Hey someone get that Marci MacDonald on the horn —I think they’re “Theo-Cons” as well!

Then Jane Taber, star reporter and opinionator at the liberals’ Globe and Mail division, reports on the CBC’s report almost verbatim (I mean she literally quoted half the CBC “report” in her article) as if it’s an honest, hard-hitting, scientific document.  Asks no questions. Just quotes away. 

Good journalism.  Great stuff.

If a government action was deemed inappropriate by liberals and their media (like, say, cutting funding to “artists” or “women’s groups”, or foreign “maternity health”, um “choice” centers run by Planned Parenthood which provide Canadian taxpayer-paid abortions to effectively, um, “end the maternity” of the mother and, well, “the life of the baby”), and the Conservative Party was named as the arbiter or “ombudsman” in judging the appropriateness of their own decision, I do believe Jane Taber’s head would explode in a gay rainbow of color (or as she would of course spell it, “colour”), and would question it for days on end. 

But, strangely, the CBC clearing itself is…. A-OK with her.

The Globe and MailKnow more.  Know now.  Oh sorry that’s the CBC’s shtick. 

Joel Johannesen
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