Saturday, September 7, 2024

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“…In the short run, a world free of a Jewish state will do.”

Clifford D. May writes in an excellent column that his read of the anti-Semites of the Arab world is that “In the long run, anti-Semites seek a world free of Jews. In the short run, a world free of a Jewish state will do.”  But adds that Israel is showing that terrorsism can be defeated.

Selling Genocide as a ‘Struggle For Equality’
Clifford D. May
October 7, 2004

In the early 1940s, genocidal anti-Semitism expressed itself in the Holocaust: 6 million Jews rounded up and exterminated.

In 1948, genocidal anti-Semitism took the form of 5 Arab armies attempting to drive Israeli Jews into the sea.

In 1967, a second conventional war was led by Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq. The “Voice of the Arabs” radio station declared the goal: “extermination” of Israel. Ahmed Shuqayri, the first leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, added: “We shall destroy Israel and its inhabitants.”

Since the collapse of the Camp David talks in 2000 — when Yasser Arafat turned down an independent Palestinian state on 93% of the West Bank and Gaza — radical anti-Semitism has taken the form of suicide bombings in Israel’s streets, shops and restaurants.

Former Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Abu Mazen said this month many of those responsible believed that “after the killing of 1,000 Israelis in the Intifada, Israel would collapse.”

Well, about 1,000 Israelis have been slaughtered, but Israel has not collapsed. Instead, the Israelis are demonstrating that terrorism can be defeated.

Joel Johannesen
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