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Today in liberal world: After the “clump of cells” was aborted, it breathed and moved little arms

And then it died.


The liberal-left including most Liberals and the you’ve got to be kidding party of Jack Layton in Canada are not against abortion.  In fact they stomp their feet like babies and angrily demand that Canadian taxpayers all pay for all abortions on demand, for any reason or no reason whatsoever, at any time in any pregnancy, as many times as a woman wants, here in Canada — and apparently all over the world too.  They seem to hate those of us who are pro-life.  They seem to be completely and absolutely intolerant of us, and are incapable of engaging in an intellectually honest debate that doesn’t reflexively marginalize and dismiss us as some sort of weird, out of touch nutbars (and of course as Christians, which they seem to think and often imply is a derogatory thing, regardless of the the fact that our arguments are based on the science of life itself, as much as any sound and principled and perfectly reasonable religious and moral conviction). 

So I wonder if taxpayers paid for this to happen, as they would have in Canada, under the barbaric principles and the insistence of most small and large-L liberals and the you’ve got to be kidding party and other progressives:

Baby boy survives for nearly two days after abortion
A baby boy abandoned by doctors to die after a botched abortion was found alive nearly two days later.

By Simon Caldwell
Published: 4:29PM BST – 28 Apr 2010

The 22-week infant later died in intensive care at a hospital in the mother’s home town of Rossano in southern Italy.

The mother, pregnant for the first time, had opted for an abortion after prenatal scans suggested that her baby was disabled.

However the infant survived the procedure, carried out on Saturday in the Rossano Calabria hospital, and was left by doctors to die.

He was discovered alive the following day – some 20 hours after the operation – by Father Antonio Martello, the hospital chaplain, who had gone to pray beside his body.

He found that the baby, wrapped in a sheet with his umbilical cord still attached, was moving and breathing.

The priest raised the alarm and doctors immediately arranged for the infant to be taken to a specialist neonatal unit at a neighbouring hospital where he died on Monday morning.

Italian police are investigating the case for “homicide” because infanticide is illegal in Italy.  …

..More than 200,000 abortions are performed each year [in Britain], most for non-medical reasons…

I’m still trying to figure out why they put the word homicide in quotes, but not the word disabled.  It’s certainly “disabled” now

Posted thanks to this email this morning:

From: Jean B
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 9:00 AM
Subject: I am so upset about this.

( in tears)

Baby boy survives for nearly two days after abortion

Related article: Some people think we are nuts to hate the idea of murdering babies.  Kelly McParland: Only religious nuts oppose abortion, right?


As we know, abortion is the most disgusting thing ever thought of by humans.  But in Canada, there is absolutely no law on abortion, and they are paid for by all taxpayers, at the insistence of liberals and progressives like Michael Ignatieff and Jack Layton and the vast majority of their party members and voters. 

I love to point out when the New York Times picks up links to PTBC articles…


Jean reports that the reason the baby was “aborted” was because it had a cleft lip and palate, and that didn’t suit her.  Cleft lip and palate is a totally treatable condition.
Baby that survived botched abortion was rejected for cleft lip and palate

Joel Johannesen
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