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Most know BIASED MEDIA is bigger problem than political contributions; and that the bias is LIBERAL.


There’s lots of corruption to go around, but the biggest corruption in politics today isn’t corporations and their profiteering ways, nor their donations to political parties.  That’s not “corrupt”, that’s just “freedom” in action, or what’s left of it.  The real corruption is in the news and information media.  They’re corrupt.  That’s the biggest corruption today. 

55% Say Media Bias Bigger Problem in Politics Than Big Contributions

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Voters agree that big money talks in politics but apparently not as loudly as big media.

Fifty-five percent (55%) of U.S. voters continue to think that media bias is a bigger problem in politics today than big campaign contributions, identical to the finding in August 2008.

Thirty-two percent (32%) say big contributions are the bigger problem, but that’s down four points from the previous survey. Thirteen percent (13%) more are not sure.

Another myth is that banks and financial companies in particular, but all corporations in general, support the Republican Party more than the Democratic Party —or conservatives more than liberals.  That’s completely untrue, and was in fact the opposite of the truth in the last go-round in which Barack Obama was elected, with far more corporate donations than the Republicans received, including far more from Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac, Goldman Sachs, and all the others.  And in Canada, we saw where, when massive corporate donations became illegal and political parties had to rely on individual donations instead, the Liberal Party’s coffers dried-up and the Conservative Party’s coffers suddenly doubled the Liberals.  Liberals never cared about individual donations.  They’d relied on the easier and always reliable corporate donations, because many corporations became reliant upon LIBERAL government (as per the plan!) and Liberals promised to maintain them — keep them reliant, and nurtured —with their big phony corporate welfare teat.  Conservatives did not, at least not to that extent.  (Good read, here)

But I digress.

Voters ages 30 to 49 are the most wary of the media’s influence on politics today.

Sixty-eight percent (68%) of Republicans and 62% of unaffiliated voters say media bias is the bigger problem in politics, a view shared by just 37% of Democrats. The plurality (46%) of Democrats says campaign contributions are a bigger problem.

Sixty-five percent (65%) of Mainstream voters and 54% of the Political Class agree that the bigger problem facing politics is media bias.

Just before the November 2008 presidential election, 68% of voters said most reporters try to help the candidate they want to win, and 51% believed they were trying to help Democrat Barack Obama. Just seven percent (7%) thought they were trying to help his Republican opponent, John McCain.

Fifty-one percent (51%) of voters say the average reporter is more liberal than they are. Eighteen percent (18%) say that reporter is more conservative, and 20% think their views are about the same ideologically as the average reporter’s.

As far as voters are concerned, liberal is the most unpopular of five common political labels.

Sixty-two percent (62%) believe that what the media thinks is more important to the average member of Congress than what voters think. Sixty-seven percent (67%) say the news media have too much power and influence over government decisions.

I’ve said that if someone in the failing, dinosaur news media really wants to make a splash in the news media business and become the new-age pack leader, emulate Fox News Channel (or if I may be so humble, what I do here every day).  “Out” the mainstream media for what it is — liberal-left biased to the point of being corrupt — and call them on it at every opportunity.  Do it because it’s important to do it.  It’s current events.  News.  It’s intellectually honest.  Reporting on that corruption is fully informing your readers and viewers.  It’s the opposite of corrupt.

Joel Johannesen
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