Thursday, May 9, 2024

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Military needed the cash yesterday. Not (maybe) ten years from now.

The pile of cash for Canada’s near-bankrupt military currently being over-hyped in order to deceive you, should have been alotted to the military in one big check written out in full, yesterday.  Because we as Canadians needed it yesterday.  It will instead by doled out over years and years in in order to, they hope, help get them re-elected. 

Once again, the liberals put their quest for power way ahead of their delusory “concern” for the security of our nation and of Canadian families and Canada’s interests. 

Addressing the hokum around the Liberals’ supposed new cash for the near-bankrupt Canadian military, Toronto Sun columnist Bob MacDonald reveals some of the truth of the matter. 

Don’t kid the troops

Paul Martin’s minority Liberal government made a big thing yesterday of “promising” $12.8 billion in new spending on defence. But that’s over the next five years.

Before swallowing the entire con job, Canadians should look at the fine print: Only $500 million extra will be spent this coming year on top of the $13.5 billion base budget. And it will only be $600 million extra the following year.

In other words, if you want Canada’s long-neglected armed forces to get badly needed new equipment—according to the Martin gang—you must keep voting Liberal.
Even at that, the annual increase is only a third of the $1.5 billion annual increase that some MPs and military support groups have been demanding if the military is to be modernized. At present, it lurches along using 40-year-old transport planes and helicopters, plus fighter planes, tanks, rusting trucks and ships that are almost as old.

“Every officer and man in the Canadian Forces can put his hand on his heart and say that he’s served at some time or another in a vehicle that was older than him,” Col. Bob Gunn, the army’s director of equipment needs, was quoted as saying recently.

Conservative leader Stephen Harper said the announced increases came about because of “pressure” from his opposition party. In other words, if the usually dithering Martin wasn’t afraid of having his minority government defeated in the Commons and forced into an election, the Liberals wouldn’t even be promising the increases they have.

[… read the rest …]

Joel Johannesen
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