I wrote in a recent NewsQuip that the state-run, state-funded CBC’s multigazillion-dollar web site (which competes against all the private sector web sites out there including this one), clearly allowed what I perceive as a Nazi = conservatives reference to stand, in a comment from one of its readers. I wrote, in part:
…one of their readers oozed brain poo and let slip some of that famous liberal-left love ‘n tolerance and compassion and that famous nuance in a comment regarding the Schreiber inquiry story: “So the Reich Wing finally got backed into a corner – can’t wait to hear this description of events…”. The CBC panel of moderators just let ‘er slide, in case the term “Reich Wing” was not a direct Nazi reference to conservatives, but instead, simply a reference to a wing on a German birdy or on an Luftwaffe plane. …
Naturally, such comments and sentiments aren’t limited to the state-run media—I think the folks on the left merely learn and hone their craft from them. Other mainstream media in Canada which hold themselves out to be adult, objective, fair and balanced news outlets also allow such comments to stand. For example, at Yahoo.ca News, there’s this comment this evening to a Canadian Press story:
In case you can’t read it, a commenter named dadenswarrior2 wrote:
My comment, be it weak….Ach’tung…..Zieg Heil to our current Fuhrer…Steve Hitler…. Deport the guy before he coughs more dirt on StormFuhrer Lyin’ Brian Mulrooney…. The poll number already show that this is hurtin’ the Tories/Nazi party big time…. Big sale on boxer shorts at WalMart…..for those who have and will continue to support the crooks!
You’ll notice that there is a “Report Abuse” link there, and yet that comment still stands. Either nobody reported it or Yahoo thinks it’s just dandy. Either way, it’s clearly, literally, how liberals think. It’s how they present their arguments, and how they like to see them presented—when it’s not about them, of course. If it was about them, the Civil Liberties Union and at least a half dozen other federally-funded interest groups would be up in arms about it demanding action. The you’ve got to be kidding party would be demanding a federal inquiry.
It’s that famous liberal-left nuance and intelligence at work. It’s also how, drip by drip, the liberal-left media in this country warp the minds of readers and viewers. On the other hand, for those who are astute enough, it also exposes liberals and how they think, and how they are at once intellectually lame, and dangerous.
Another liberal comments that if Canadians choose to vote Conservative, then they’re dumb. No wait—all Canadians are dumb — is what he says. And that Prime Minister Harper himself (not liberals!) constructed the judicial system as we know it today so it would work in their nefarious favor; and also presumably stacked the very court that ruled against Schreiber today. (So we know he’s not dumb or confused at all!)
…Can’t really blame the opposition parties, they’re not the government and they are following the rules of parliament. Unlike Harper and all the conservative pawns put in place in the judicial system. Harper knows that Canadians have become dumb, dumb enough to vote for him…
Then there’s this curiosity that they choose to let stand, which seems to come right out and slander the CURRENT Prime Minister… hey!… as if he were trained by the liberal-left and their media in Canada today, which seek to conjoin Harper and Mulroney as if they were separated at birth! (to say nothing of seemingly tossing aside all those tiresome “innocent until proven guilty!” bromides that liberals always apply to child molesters and rapists and murderers and terrorists):
This jackass has this exact same remark posted countless times in countless news articles throughout Yahoo.ca. Yahoo chooses to allow them to remain.
(Hat tip to Maureen)
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