Friday, May 17, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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World class what now?

image Hat tip to “notasocialist”, who said,  “

I can’t believe how full of themselves some of these “entertainers” get. Pam… a world figure… get real.


Unfortunately, while parts of Pamela Anderson certainly are “full of themselves”, other parts are entirely vacuous.  And mere surgery won’t heal that.  And “getting real” may for her be a ship that has sailed. 

Pam pans seal cull

Actress frustrated PM won’t meet with her

By TIM ARSENAULT Television Reporter

The actress, originally from Ladysmith, B.C., said Saturday that she was disappointed that Prime Minister Stephen Harper has refused to meet with her to discuss ending the contentious seal hunt.

“It’s too bad. I wish he would have met me. I think it was awful he didn’t meet with Paul McCartney or Brigitte Bardot. It’s a very sad situation,” the 38-year-old entertainer said during a news conference at a downtown Halifax hotel which she entered with an RCMP officer on each arm.

“I don’t know how popular he is with young people but this is a great way to get popular with them because there’s not one young person, I think, in Canada that agrees with the seal hunt.”

[…] A fax she sent Saturday to the prime minister’s office responded to an offer to meet with Fisheries Minister Loyola Hearn, who she refers to as Harper’s “court jester.”

“Are you unaware of the juvenile comments he made to the press this week about Sir Paul McCartney, Brigitte Bardot and me? Mr. Hearn has a thing or two to learn about professional protocol. When world figures care enough about a Canadian issue to travel overseas and express concern, they should be shown respect and not be subject to name calling by cranky government officials,” reads a copy of the fax provided to reporters.

So they’re cranky—the government officials who simply said “no”.  And the protesting Brigitte Bardot, that “world figure” with whom all the young kids (born in 1956 or earlier) are so familiar, and the perma-protesting McCartneys, and the whiney perma-complaining lecturer Anderson, aren’t

Meanwhile, the brainiac boob Anderson joined the liberal-fest in Halifax over the weekend and got booed by her fans, the young folks.  She helped (that was a question) host the Juno awards—which is Canada’s effort at mimicking the American-style Grammy awards liberal-fest.  Neither show is a bastion of intellectual brilliance.  But as usual, although we know the ingredients going in, we never know exactly what it will look like when it comes out the other end.

As expected, Anderson’s turn at hosting proved more memorable for her revealing outfits than her dialogue, although she did use the prime-time show to take a few digs at the East Coast seal hunt.

“I don’t mind a little blood on the ice when it’s a hockey rink, but I hate seeing blood on the ice when it’s from baby seals,” said the model and actor from Ladysmith, B.C., who’s been lobbying Ottawa to end the annual hunt.

The 7,500 people gathered at the Halifax Metro Centre reacted with loud boos and just a few cheers.

“I can take it,” she shot back. “I have high heels and they dig in deep.”

Wow.  Threatening violence Pam?  Against the young human pups in the audience?

Joel Johannesen
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