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Wisdom from the roots #6333: “Union Tyranny”. (Plus free bonus thought from Joel!)

Our friend Gerry Nicholls said smart things in a National Post letter-to-the-editor today:

Union tyranny

Re: Alberta’s Unions Go After Stelmach Despite Boom Times, Feb. 15.
This article perfectly outlines why Canada needs to reform its labour laws to inject democracy in the workplace. The law currently allows union bosses to use forced dues to pay for political propaganda. Unionized employees, in other words, can be coerced through their dues to subsidize a left-wing political agenda whether they support that agenda or not.

That’s not only undemocratic, it’s anti-democratic. As Thomas Jefferson said, “To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”

It’s time to end union boss tyranny.

—Gerry Nicholls, Senior Fellow Democracy Institute, Oakville, Ont.

Spot on.

Let me add, re the Jefferson quote on the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors, my own li’l quote:  “State-owned and state-run media should be banned in this country, and that notion enshrined in our constitution.”  Or in more folksy language, “Nuke the liberal-left’s CBC”.

Related: good Kevin Libin column at the National Post on this union tyranny.

Joel Johannesen
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