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Wisdom from the Roots #6331

Our old PTBC correspondent Marc keeps getting his letters to the editor published despite their all having a conservative bent.  And so we post ‘em up here to spread the wisdom from Canada’s roots even wider. 

This one is with reference to the matter of the funding of faith-based schools in Ontario, and published in the St. Thomas Times-Journal.

Many families are prisoners of the secular school system

Friday July 27, 2007

Why did we let our constitutionally enshrined Protestant school system be replaced with a secular atheist system? Secular atheist religionists used liberal judges to invert Section 2d of the Charter to mean “freedom of disassociation” and as a result of their theology, God, the Bible, discourse and tolerance got expelled from the school system.

If Christians try to exercise the same “freedom of disassociation” from the secular system because we believe that a God-centered education promotes excellence, discourse and tolerance; we find our freedom isn’t “free” at all.

Many lower-income Christian families become prisoners of the secular system as successive Liberal governments collude with Marxist teachers’ unions to maintain that.

Excerpt from the UN Human Rights Commission 1999 decision regarding discrimination in educational funding in Ontario (CCPR/C/67/D/ 694/1996) to which Ontario still stands in contravention: “According to the State party, a secular system is a tool which assists in preventing discrimination among citizens on the basis of their religious faiths.”

The saccharin-sounding “preventing discrimination” is a leftist government euphemism for promoting discrimination towards Christians.

On the contrary, our Christian school uses the Bible to provide three counter-cultural messages for children on preventing discrimination that transcend contemporary secular thinking: a) all people are created in the image of God; b) love your neighbour as yourself; and c) love your enemies.

Instead of accepting Biblical wisdom, the secular system reacts with more worthless rules and invokes a police state in many of their schools and things get worse.

Without a government-imposed financial penalty, I want my son mentored in an environment that encourages him to love others, respect others and respect those who persecute him; just as Jesus did.

Is that too much to ask in a free country, Liberal Steve Peters?

Marc Mielhausen
Central Elgin


Joel Johannesen
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