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Why we call it Layton’s “you’ve got to be kidding” party - a reminder

Socialist political clown Jack Layton, who we sometimes call “General Jack” for his genius military prowess (which includes never using the military and having tea and buns with Islamofascist terrorists), seemingly sought to remind Canadians why to treat the you’ve got to be kidding party as the bad bit of socialist gristle in our political system’s pie hole that they are, today. 

The “news” about this came via their state-run CBC “news” division, which is also known as the official letter carrier of all the socialist messages of the nation, no matter how stupid or time or money-wasting.

Here’s what Layton signed off on today—a man ostensibly seeking to be a “world leader” and to be taken seriously by all of us, including the media, and to continue to be paid using our tax dollars: 

NDP delivers valentine to PM but no love for PMs record on women

Published: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 | 4:09 PM ET
Canadian Press

OTTAWA (CP) – The NDP sent a valentine to Prime Minister Stephen Harper but it wasn’t sealed with a kiss.

More like a kiss-off. Instead of the usual syrupy ode to love, the New Democrats’ valentine card offered a few lines of snarky verse:

“Women’s equality is now under threat.

Cuts to Status of Women, is that all we get?

Canadian women fought too hard to go back.

We demand action to get back on track.”

It concluded with the decidedly unsentimental tag line: “Harper, women deserve equality now.”

What is this?  The freaking 1960s?  Complete with the folks high on drugs? 

Then in a move that could only be considered by a group of self-inflated liberal-left wonders of massive egotistical self-serving proportions, we are informed…



MP Irene Mathyssen tried to deliver the poem in person at the prime minister’s official residence. But security guards wouldn’t let her on the premises or accept the huge heart-shaped box containing the message.


What a freak show.

Will anybody in the media raise the question of the political sanity of this indecorous and really rather foolish move—clearly approved by its leadership—right on the heels of serious (repeat) al Qaeda warnings that Canada is about to be attacked?  Absolutely not.  They and their tribe will, instead, write me angry emails telling me to “chill”.  “Take a pill”.  “Relax”.  “Have a sense of humour”.  Perhaps also have a nice cuppa tea and a bun. 

Meanwhile, I plan on giving my wife a kiss for Valentine’s Day.

Joel Johannesen
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