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Whose side are the Old Media on?

Writer David Limbaugh puts it smartly

Instead of endlessly wringing their hands, these Old Media pseudo-champions of the downtrodden ought to be extolling the American and Iraqi troops risking their lives to secure for the Iraqi people the lofty goals of freedom and democracy, to which the Old Media merely pay lip service. They ought to be headlining the remarkable courage of the Iraqi people jeopardizing everything to secure their own liberty. (According to a survey by an independent Iraqi newspaper, two-thirds of registered voters in Baghdad plan to vote despite threats of violence.)

But I cheated and read ahead.  That paragraph comes after this:

Far be it from me to accuse the mainstream media of rooting for failure in the Jan. 30 Iraqi elections, but their reporting sometimes makes you wonder.

On Monday, MSNBC’s “First Read” sought to draw a contrast between President Bush’s so-called “liberty speech” (his upcoming inaugural address) and the “more and more details com[ing] out about how unsafe the balloting in Iraq is expected to be.”

Let me get this straight: The fact that we have enemy forces trying to sabotage the transition to democracy and liberty means that the president’s goal to secure that liberty is somehow misguided?

Are we to assume that liberty for other peoples is so unimportant to the Old Media that unless it can happen automatically, it ought not to happen at all? Are they so ignorant of history that they believe democracy can be won effortlessly and without resistance from those with a vested interest in thwarting it? […]

Joel Johannesen
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