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Where IS the loaded gun?

Liberal Party firing gun at YOU Liberal Party firing gun at YOU

Despite the extremely suspicious Liberal Party’s extremely suspicious BILLION dollar gun registry from hell, there is apparently a loaded gun pointed right at the government’s head by mean Conservatives—not pointed at the ground or at the ceiling or locked in a gun locker—it’s pointed right at the heads of the Liberal government!  Damn those Conservatives!  They’re gun crazy!

Somebody contact the appropriate authorities!  Or just vote Liberal and avoid these calamities!

Or so the Globe and Mail would like to phrase it in their Canadian Press lead story this morning:

The House of Commons is heading back to work after a week off, with the Conservatives holding what they say is a “loaded gun” to the head of the governing Liberals and threatening another non-confidence vote as soon as Tuesday.

Where did this (scary quotes!) “loaded gun” (un-scary-quotes!) angle come from? This is where the gun issue actually sits:

“As long as we have this loaded gun sitting there, they’re going to have to take it seriously,” Mr. Hill [Jay Hill, the Tory House leader] said in an interview.

It’s sitting there on the table—it’s not at anyone’s head.  But it sure sounded meaner the way they said it!  A liberal media job well done.  Now it’s time to tootle off to report on “the religious right”! 

This reminds me of the Liberal Party campaign ads from 2004, which were created by Liberal-friendly ad firms to serve Canada.  Do you remember the one in which the Liberals pointed a loaded gun at your face and your children’s faces, and then they fired it at you?  I remember that.  Those pictures at the top are from one of those ads.  Ahhh.  Good times.

Joel Johannesen
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