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Saturday, March 1, 2025
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What’s REALLY on American voters’ minds? Maybe more than they’re prepared to admit!

This made me chuckle—especially at the absolutely predictable theories of nefarious right-wing conspiracies and all of that usual boiler-plate numskullery that is automatically attached to these stores.

Big ballot boo-boo: Osama for president?

…Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s last name is spelled “Osama” on some 300 absentee ballots mailed out this week to voters in Rensselaer County hilltowns.

Is it a Freudian slip, intentional gaffe or a mistake? Voters are sure to have opinions, and one politician pointed out that the letters “s” and “b” are not exactly keyboard neighbors.

“Of all the letters to hit by mistake,” County Democratic Chairman Tom Wade said. “Unfortunately it is a mistake which negatively impacts our Democratic candidate for president.” …


I wonder how liberals explain NatPo columnist Don Martin repeatedly coming right out and accidentally calling Obama “Osama bin Laden” on the CBC one day, as I explained here, in this post: National Canadian columnist calls Obama “Osama bin Laden”, on state-owned CBC, then laugh riot


Joel Johannesen
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