Monday, June 17, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Spent Sunday working on other things.  Yes it turns out there are these so-called “other things” in life.  Like you can “go outside”.  It’s quite remarkable. 

But in between going outside and chatting and feeling the wind on my face, I did add a YouTube video selector along the left margin of the site.  I have many many videos that I’ve made but only a small portion are at YouTube.  There they are.  One has been viewed a nearly a third of a million times.  Well OK 303,000 times.  My latest from Friday has been viewed over 12,000 times.  If I had a nickel for every…

I also added a PTBC Channel viewer page.  I’m not really sure what the purpose is.  But sometimes you have to put it up and stare at it for a while before it gels. 

I added that link to the PTBC Stuff link in the links row under the banner.

Now I might go outside again and take some pictures.  Of the outside.  So I remember.

Hey whatever happened to our PTBC Photo Gallery section?  I forgot about it.  Maybe I’ll drum something up for that too, later.  Also polling.  Maybe I should stay inside.  Nah.  Goin’ outside. 

Joel Johannesen
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